Say “Thank You”

To a Vet today.

Today is Veteran’s day.

 Honor ’em  just a bit.  Respect their Service.

For me, I thank all Veterans. Combat or not. Thank you for your service.


I felt sorry for the Clinton supporters. Their chosen candidate couldn’t even face ’em on election night.

I find that sad, and cowardly, and terribly non leader-like. She owed it to those people. She failed them.  Not in losing the election, but in faileing to speak to them afterwards.

Is this really the person they pinned their hopes and dreams upon? Who couldn’t even face them and admit defeat and thank them for their service? Is this the person that could have been the leader of this country? Losing with grace and honor is a part of having class. Having the fortitude to admit defeat and to thank those who helped is also a part of having class.

She couldn’t do that in the hour of her defeat. It was only the next morning that she made her concession speech. Too late for her supporters then.

Will he resign?

I’m talking about Reinhold Richard “Reince” Priebus of course….I mean, his advice for the prior two elections, as well as this one, has been to fins a cetrist candidate in order to appeal to as many voters as possible…

Which gave us DNC-Lite candidates like McCain and Romney.

His party apparatus this time around supported Jeb Bush and, when he went down, Marco Rubio….Also DNC-Lite candidates.

They were soundly rejected by the members of the Republican Party in the Primaries. The voters chose Trump. The RNC opposed him every step of the way. Wouldn’t surprise me if the RNC was part of the nasty stories being circulated about the Donald….


If Priebus and his ilk don’t resign, then the RNC should fire him. He has, again, been proven wrong.

The people want a choice, and, given a chance, they will vote for a conservative (for whatever definition of conservative you wish to use.) Trump may not be my kind of conservative, but he WAS the most conservative candidate.

And he fucking WON. Tore the Establishment up.

Listening to the media …



“Incredible surprise”.


They are all shocked by Trump’s win. Shocked and surprised.

Shows how disconnected they are from the real folks in this country. I knew it was gonna be close. As I stated previously, I expected it to be closer because of the fraud voting machine errors.

So we are screwed…..

Trump is president.

God help this country.

Of course, We are less screwed than if Hillary had been elected……. By a large amount, in fact.

Let the games begin…..This oughta get interesting….

I am, however, amazed he beat the “Margin of cheat”…