Readiness checks

So on Labor day (among others), I always take an hour and fire up the Backup Generator…just to lube the internals and make sure it is ready to go when it is needed.

Like a carry gun or a fire extinguisher, you don’t need ’em until you really need ’em.

So I take the time to fire it up, make sure the internals are lubed and operated long enough to warm it up and dry it out, and spend a few minutes with an oil can making sure that things that move are lubed with clean oil. Check the air filters for mice and other things which might clog or otherwise hinder the operation. Cooling vents are clear and unobstructed and everything is ready.

All good this time.  Ready to go, and it fired up nicely. Should do what I need when I need it.

When was the last time you checked your generator?

Point of view for the week:

“I have been criticized by referring to our federal masked men as “ninja” … Let us reflect upon the fact that a man who covers his face shows reason to be ashamed of what he is doing. A man who takes it upon himself to shed blood while concealing his identity is a revolting perversion of the warrior ethic. It has long been my conviction that a masked man with a gun is a target. I see no reason to change that view.”

Jeff Cooper

Well, now, you just don’t see that every day….

I ordered 2 tri-axles of stone to be delivered today. One for my driveway (which has needed stone for 5 or 6 years, and one for the road I am finishing to my barn. After 16 years, the fill has finally stopped settling, and I am willing to put some stone on it so that I don’t have to drive in mud.

So the first load was delivered. at 6:30 AM. I spent about 3 hours carefully spreading it, making sure the drainage was good, and carefully filling in the edges.

The other load wasn’t delivered until 4:15 PM.

The driver backed carefully down the lane, and set his chains to tailgate it out along the lane.

He lifted the dump box. Higher. Higher yet. Even higher…..then, at the top of the lift, he jerked the truck forward just slightly to make the stone slide….the whole load slid back. All at once. The truck did a wheelstand. No shit, I could have walked under the front wheels.  For a second, I thought the thing was gonna tip over. All the weight was on the passenger side rear wheel.

He ever so gently let the dump box back down. The truck slowly came back to earth. Pretty smooth, actually.

He finished the job, but the stone just wouldn’t slide out smoothly. Instead of a smooth road, it’s a series of hills.  (I’m gonna work the Kubota tomorrow).

He pulled back to level ground and inspected the truck. No damage (except to the driver’s seat) and some new handprints on the wheel. Permanent ones….

The spring on the back was….compressed. Enough to have flexed all of the paint and concreted stone off of it.

I’ve never seen a dump truck with it’s wheels that high before. Neither had the driver….

Kinda like this:

Only uphill and on ONE Rear Wheel.

Yeah, that’s scary right there…..

So the Department of Homeland Security, staffed and led by Obama appointees, is worried about election fraud (yeah, that pegged my Irony Meter…) and would like to federalize the election process…

(One wonders why they haven’t been worried about vote fraud until now… least not since the Florida Bush/Gore debacle…and that only because it appeared that bush was winning)

Yeah, Trump is gonna have to beat Hillary above and beyond the Margin of Fraud as it is….

I trust my government not at all in cases like this.