It all comes down

To who counts the votes.

Everything else is just Window Dressing.

“Critical Infrastructure”.

Seems to me that it is the purview and responsibility of the states….No one else. ESPECIALLY not the Obama Administration.

Those who cast the votes decide nothing. 
Those who count the votes decide everything.
Joseph Stalin

Image result for stalin who counts the votes


THIS pretty much covers the whole thing with Hillary and her “Pneumonia”….

But the press isn’t asking the hard questions.

And won’t.

But, sadly why isn’t the Donald?  Why isn’t he or his spokespeople asking? Getting it out there so people will think a bit….

One wonders.


“I have news for some really ignorant sonsabitches.
This country was founded by law breakers and there is a long tradition of ignoring laws in this country, tens of thousands of them daily, especially ones that tell someone they can’t have something that was previously common.

Apparently they have never heard of Prohibition.”

Vulgar Curmudgeon

15 years ago

I was on my way to work when the first plane hit……. We were gonna get an early start on sealing a parking lot…..try to get some work done before it was too hot.

Surely just a terrible accident…?

Then the second one hit…. and the fires grew…We all watched in terrible fascination on the TV as the towers fell and 3000 or more of our countrymen and women died.

I told the kids watching with me that what they had just witnessed would change the world and our country….and that whether we realized it or not, we were at war….

I was right.

That day changed the way we travel, and gave terrible powers to our government. It took a few months, but the enemies of freedom were waiting, and took advantage of those events to fundamentally change our country.

It showed us the hatred Islam has for the Culture here in the West…in the US in particular. It brought to the forefront that a person cannot be US citizen and a good Muslim.

It gave us the Patriot Act….a lie if ever there was one.  It spawned an ever growing Surveillance State…and began conditioning the public to always being watched….and to allowing their freedoms to be temporarily bypassed in the name of “security”.

It also made me proud of my countrymen…..we didn’t massacre other Arabs…nor chase anyone wearing a hijab or speaking with a Pakistani accent out of town. Yes, life was uncomfortable for those folks for a few days…, but in other places they would have been dead hours after…..Americans held to the American values…..and treated immigrants correctly and with honor.


There are still a lot of questions about who was involved in the attacks….yes, we know about Mohammed Atta and his co-conspirators….but were there more? Were the Saudis involved? (Probably… least some in the government were) was it a conspiracy with the Bush administration? Maybe (but I doubt it….)

Either way, this attack opened the door to the fundamental changes that we, as a body, accepted in the behavior of our Government to the it’s citizens…..

I may, someday, be able to forgive the Saudis or the Muslims for the attack on my country….and my fellow citizens.

I will never be able to forgive them for the changes they wrought in my country.

I will never forget that Muslims everywhere cheered the damage done by the attack on my country. I will never forget the silence from the Muslim community here in the US, and I will never forget that the mosques in the US where the 9-11 terrorists worshiped had to know that they were planning something….and stayed silent.  I will never forget that the  Pakistani (Paahkistaahni? (Obamas pronunciation)) government was complicit in helping Osama Bin Laden hide for years. I may only be one person….But I and many of my countrymen share a remembrance of that day.

You should too.

Never forget.



Y’know, when you meet a cop on the road, it is a crapshoot as to whether your day will improve or devolve….. depends on whether he will be a good cop or not:


So I leave the homestead the other day to go run errands in the late morning……a wonderful bright, sunny day. Upon my return, I see, about a half mile from my driveway (past my driveway),a box trailer sorta katywampus across the road. Being the nosy person that I am, I drive the car down to see what is going on. I stop behind the trailer and turn on my flashers and get out.

I find a young man, 20something, trying to find a way to get the tongue of the trailer off the ground. Apparently, when he hitched it up, he didn’t get the fork of the hitch under the ball, and it bounced off the trailer ball (or he didn’t latch it) and was now resting on the ground…(good thing he attached those safety chains!). The problem was that the trailer jack was one of those “swing away” types, and there was no way he could lift the tongue of the trailer up enough to get it to flip down. I tried to help him, but it was too heavy for the two of us to lift.

Being the helpful sort that I am, I told him I’d be right back, and to disconnect the remains of the safety chains and damaged wiring and move his truck forward about 30 feet….and I turned the car around and went back home. Went inside and got the key to the Kubota and fired it up. Put a chain in the bucket and drove to where the trailer was. I did turn on my LED strobe to enhance visibility….

Hooked the chain to the tongue of the trailer, put it on the hook on the bucket and lifted….Not.

I’m not sure if he had the trailer loaded wrong, or if his load had crashed forward, but my tractor wouldn’t lift the tongue….2400 lbs is what the tractor will pick up with the bucket, and the trailer wasn’t budging.  So I unhooked the chain and turned the tractor around so I could lift using the three-point hitch on the back (4800 lbs capacity). As I was turning the tractor around and backing up, I see a cop car behind the trailer.

Up walks a county cop. He beckons me off the tractor and is yelling at the kid as I get off.  He starts in on youngblood, telling him he is causing a traffic hazard (what, like people haven’t been slowing and then going around us?….some even offered to help) and telling him he is gonna get a ticket for blocking the road and when the kid answered him back, he mentioned “disturbing the peace” and something about “Traffic hazard”…

“Hey, brother,” I said “if you’ll wait about 4 minutes, we can get this thing hooked up and get him off the road, and then you can yell. If you are really worried about safety, why dontya turn on your lights so people will see us sooner? “

He told me his name wasn’t “brother” and I could address him as “officer”…and offered to arrest me for “interfering with a police officer” and something else that I don’t remember. and a ticket for not having proper safety equipment or something….and demanded my ID. I refused.  Firmly.

I actually smiled. “Sure thing, son…Your game, you call the rules…Except you will address me as “Sir” from this point on….Oh, and another thing…(I kinda got in his personal face space here) “Officer”:…. “Supervisor” …. Now…. You call one to this location on your radio, or I do it on my phone. And get out of the way.”. I climbed onto the tractor. I was shaking, I was so mad.

He stood there, in my way, talking on the radio.

I resisted the urge to move him with the bucket, and waited.

Sure enough, about 5 minutes later, another county car arrived and pulled up behind everyone and another , somewhat older, cop got out (he, at least, turned on his lights). I got off the tractor, and walked up. Young cop tells his story, young man nods and answers a question, then I stated my piece. I asked where county cops get off being dicks and hindering rather than helping or at least staying out of the way…I pointed out that I would have had the whole thing fixed and off the road if young stupid cop had just gotten out of the way as I suggested and I didn’t appreciate being talked to and threatened the way I had been. I said I wanted to make a claim for intimidation and threatening. I pointed out that he had been an ass, and had wasted time, if there really had been a danger to the public he had made it last longer.

Old cop, the supervisor, took a look…then he helped me hook up the chains and directed me in lifting the trailer. He himself put the jack down and unhooked the chains. He directed me backwards to hitch to the trailer.. I suggested to the kid that we pull the trailer to my house and we could straighten the hooks enough that they would be safer. …and legal. (and pointed (loudly) out that if he wasn’t legal the first cop was dick enough and would no doubt LOVE to arrest him or at least give a ticket…)

So the Supervisor asked me if I would let him handle the young asshole cop. I said sure, but this shit has to be dealt with. I didn’t appreciate being threatened with arrest for trying to help, and I didn’t like his attitude or the fact that he made a simple thing take longer….and he didn’t even make the scene safer by turning on his lights.

“Yeah, I can handle him,” he said, “or you can make that complaint. But he will like it less if I handle it unofficially….He really is a good officer, he just has bad days sometimes”.
I suggested that if he has days like this, over something that is this minor, perhaps he shouldn’t be a cop…….Which didn’t go over well. But he did promise to counsel the other cop.

So supervisor makes the young cop “escort” me and the kid back to my driveway…for “safety”…on foot! and walk back. In the sun. They stood on the side of the road for about 20 minutes when kid got back to the two cop cars, talking and sometimes waving their arms a bit.

Supervisor shows up at my driveway while I am helping the kid get his chains fixed and the wiring repaired enough to be legal. At my suggestion, the kid opens up the trailer to pull some of the cement bags back from the front. Supervisor and I talk for a few…..I pointed out that isn’t normal behavior for a cop, and that young cop has, apparently, authority issues (I did use the phrase “Respec Ma Autoriteh!” which brought a smile,) and maybe anger management issues.

I asked him how someone like that can become a cop? No psychological screening?   And perhaps the kid needed to learn the difference between some gangbanger kid he’d pulled over at 2 AM and someone like me in the middle of the day…older and wiser and not someone who can be can be leaned on or threatened… and suggested that the kid cop either learn how to handle people or someone like me was gonna run his ass over or shoot his ass someday….which also didn’t go over well. But the point was made. We shook hands and he left. Kid cop was long gone by then.

I dunno. Haven’t seen the kid cop since though.

I still wonder if I should have made a complaint though….or at least a report.