
I agree:

I don’t have any issue with the clerk being unable to do her job….if she can’t, or if it makes her uncomfortable, or goes against her “Religious principle” or whatever…she can always quit/resign, etc. 
But either do the job or get out, or go to jail. 
simple, really. 

On the Missouri

in 1945…on Sept 2, Japan surrendered. Tokyo bay…

Ending the war…likely saving hundreds of thousands of US military lives, and possibly more than a million Japanese  military and civilian lives.

Likely, it was the two Bombs that turned the tide in the Japanese Government…

ETA: (This was supposed to post at 9 AM, but apparently I can’t set a time correctly)

Yep, Bring it

I mean, as he says, BRING IT.

All the way. Lessee you try. I don’t think you have the intestinal fortitude or the wherewithal to do so. At least not if you’ve thought about the consequences. I have considered them.

At least that way you’ll be upfront about it instead of sneaking behind peoples backs and lying and hiding the truth and misrepresenting “facts” and such.

I’m ready to play. Are you? I’ll pay the price . Will you? I mean will you be there in the front lines, or will you expect your Tac Teams to do the dirty dangerous work? (Hint, yer gonna run out of volunteers really fast).

There are more of us than there are of you. More of us that you have police. Some will fight, some won’t. But 10% of us are more than you can muster. And we know how to use our tools….likely better than your people.

So as he says. Go Ahead…Open the games. It’ll be interestin’,  that’s for sure.

I hope you don’t, ’cause I don’t wanna see a lot of people, especially cops and National Guardsmen, get killed. I don’t want to see my country torn part.

But if you think you can win….

Found here first.

It was bound to happen eventually:

Police officers enter wrong home.

Police officer shot, dog killed, homeowner shot. 

Luckily, no one was killed….so far.

Now, the police were doing their job….they had to investigate the call. But entering the home? (they claim they announced themselves, but who knows?) Who knows what the owner of the home heard….perhaps he was sleeping. Either way, that was a bad move. Better to knock and let the homeowner invite them in.

Entering a home (and then shooting the dog) is NOT a good idea. Any of us might well have done the same…I’m not saying the officers were in the wrong, but it sure looks that way. I might well have shot at people who entered my home at night and shot my dog….in the dark, the homeowner may well not have identified them as police.

This is a tragedy. Luckily, there was no work for the coroner.

ETA: Apparently, it wasn’t the homeowner who did the shooting, but rather a fellow officer who shot the cop…..