14 years ago:

‘Twasn’t christians, nor Bhuddists, not Wiccans nor Hindus nor Jews… ‘Twas Muslims. Supported by Muslims. I don’t care if it is politically correct to point that out or not. Not all Muslims are bad, but again, it wasn’t Christians, nor Buddists, not Wiccans nor Hindus nor Jews who did this terrible deed……

I won’t forget.
Will you?

I laughed

And laughed and laughed….

Just in case you haven’t seen it….

Go here. Beverage alert….you’ve been warned.

(Midnite already? HAHAHAHAHAHA)


Every major Holiday I am amazed at the actions of people. Why in the hell some people leave home, and drive 1200 miles in a car that a sane person wouldn’t drive across town (a small town, like on with 274 people in it)….and with $27.43 in their pocket for gas, food and (“unexpected”) repairs…..I’m talking cars with oil leaks, rotten hoses and belts, bald tires, rod knocks, bad lifters, weak fuel pumps, cracked distributor caps, bad wires, and missing exhausts….. Cars that you’d be afraid to dive past the end of your block…..

Yet they drive from Arkansas to upper Michigan and (they hope) back…..

Or not….as I find out every major travel Holiday.

Looks like Barry

Has the race/culture war he wanted…

Someone is stirring up a segment of that Demographic.  I wonder who it is?

And once they get the cops on the defensive, then what?

Are they gonna go after Whitey? It’ll probably work on the liberal city dwelling metrosexuals and the other liberals who really have no clue…who can’t defend themselves…

But not elsewhere….Some targets are harder than others.

And if they do start killing cops and others, it will once again set relations between the races back. Just like the DNC wants so they can keep stirring the pot and garnering votes from the “disenfranchised”…

How many lives is that vote worth to these people?

Did you know….

The day AlGore was born there were only about 7000 polar bears left on the planet…….

Sadly, today, only about 26,000 are left…..