Not sure I could be that honest…..

So dude buys a chest of drawers in an estate sale.

For less than a hunnerd bucks.

Decides to load it into his truck.

Hears a strange rattling sound.


Finds a secret drawer with thousands of dollar of gold, silver, and jewels.


Now, I am honest. I (generally) do the Right Thing, simply because I gotta look at myself every morning (it ain’t pretty) when I shave, and I’d like to be able to look the dude in the mirror in the eye….

But I’m not so sure that I could do what Mr Knodell did.

Kudos to him.

Damned straight

” proof that we will not surrender, we will not submit, and we will not allow our God-given rights to be stolen from us by anyone, not Seventh Century savages, not Gucci-wearing liberal narcissists, and not twisted social justice warriorettes taking out on the rest of humanity their lingering disappointment that no boy wanted to be seen with them at the prom “

Yeah, I gotta agree. There’s more there too…

Read the whole thing. If your blood doesn’t begin pumping, then you are a  lost cause. Go hide in your mommy’s basement and get out of the way of the adults.

ETA: THIS    (found HERE)

IZZIT true?

The rumors surrounding the TPP.  Trans Pacific Partnership.

I mean, according to Breitbart, and the GOA and Townhall and others it is going to be the worst thing that could happen. Secret drafts of the treaty supposedly will restrict gun ownership, ammo manufacture, the size of your balls and how much food you can store….(OK, I made the last two up) I mean, it sounds like a conspiracy nuts wet dream with berries and whipped cream…..

I generally dislike having my tinfoil hat on too tightly, but this makes me wonder…..

So I was discussing the riots in Baltimore

With one of my regular customers today. Dude happens to be black. Great guy. Hates lowlifes of all colors ’cause they are lowlifes.

I pointed out that nothing shows the world how you support the dead career criminal (that Few of the rioters never met) (and BTW, I think the cops probably ARE guilty, but we shall see…) like looting stores in protest.

Dude looked me straight in the eye and said…”Those weren’t looters, they were “undocumented shoppers”.

We both laughed.

He doesn’t ever want to live in a poor inner city neighborhood. He is Union trucker and Teamster, Works very hard and makes a decent bit of scratch because of it and he would rather spend his money to live in the suburbs where decent people live.