DOMA is Dead..

And, actually, good riddance.

It was a Poorly written, half assed piece of legislation. Done nearly as poorly as the proposed anti-gun stuff was in the wake of the Newtown tragedy. And, actually, the case that decided it was an IRS issue.

The destruction of this legislation is actually, a restoration of States rights. It’ll be used as a precedent for many following cases.

If only we had a politician who would have the guts to stand up and say that the State has no business in the marriage business….but only in the legal recognition of partners for legal reasons. The business of “Marriage” belongs to the churches and other organizations….It is not up to the state to sanctify or bless your union, only to recognize it.

But our politicians, none of them, have the intestinal fortitude.

Too tired to think…But:

Blogging is failing as my workload grows. I really don’t have much brain left to do any real blogging lately, and I hate just linking everyone else’s stuff.


It would appear that we, those of us who believe in freedom, are winning the small battles against tyranny.

Yet I fear that we are losing the war.

Ever encroaching government, ever invasive organs of the State, A leader who is, essentially, unrestrained be either the congress or the courts. Are we really that powerless that we cannot stop this?

Or is it apathy?

I’m not sure that it isn’t just apathy in our general population. Yes there are those of us who are active, to some extent, but unless we motivate our fellow citizens, we aren’t gonna stop this shit.

In fact, if we cannot even get motivated as we did for the whole “gun control” debate, we are gonna lose. It is gonna take that kind of energy for each and every time to win.

I don’t know if we can keep up that kind of fight for long enough.

What say you?

I guess I wasn’t paying attention:

I’m working strange hours lately, and one of the places I am working has the Weather Channel on 24/7..

I guess I haven’t been paying attention….

I never realized that they were such cheerleaders for the Glowbal Warmening Climate Change movement.

Nor, really, for Barry Obama either.

Strange that even a weather forecaster can be so blatantly partisan.

It was a strange enough coincidence

That reporter Michael Hastings died in a “single car accident“.

I mean, lets face it, He had made some significant and fearful enemies when he outed and caused the end of the career of Stanley McChrystal. I found it curious that he was killed in an accident a few days ago…..Sometimes, however, one has to accept that shit happens.

But then we find that he had sent Emails to several friends and associates claiming that he was being investigated by the FBI (“FEDS”), and that if questioned by them, his friends should consider that it “may be wise to immediately request legal counsel before any
conversations or interviews about our news-gathering practices or
related journalism issues.”.

Then approximately a day later, he is dead. Burned beyond recognition.  Strange how coincidences happen, innit?

One wonders.

The Feds are investigating…. Just like they investigated JFK, Vince Foster, and a host of others….

Draw your own conclusions.


So Wednesday, I sliced my left thumb to the bone along the side…. 1.5 inches of slice, on a piece of very sharp metal. To the bone. A fairly bad cut, actually.

I wrapped it in a paper towel and a bit of tape and continued working.

When I got home, I cleaned the cut and aligned the edges and super glued it shut.

Thursday, I woke up with the cut throbbing to my heartbeat. All day long, I banged it into things, adding to the pain.

I was grousing about the pain, the wound, the lack of dexterity, that the bandage and the lack of mobility caused by the whole thing….

Then, at the end of the day, I met a man who was missing his left arm from just below the shoulder.

Suddenly, my wound didn’t feel so bad anymore. Nor the temporary lack of dexterity.

“I cried that I had no shoes until I met a man who had no feet”. 


It’s hard to win at a BZA meeting when the chairman is bought and paid for.

But we tried anyway.

The vote was 3-2 against us.

God, I hate county politics.

Really, the fix was in at the start.

Mebbe it was a missile after all

There is folks claiming “new evidence” that it was an “outside explosion” that destroyed TWA Flight 800 back in 1996.

I’m no expert, but the explanation didn’t make much sense to me. Conjecture piled on improbability piled on happenstance.

And the explanation came out AWFULLY fast for such a complex chain of events.

Likely we will never know for sure.

But I wonder: was it “our” missile or someone else’s?