
You should read this

It ain’t pretty. It IS biased, but it is also true, at least in the broad strokes.

And it shows the mindset.  Wild animals, sure. Caution IS required. I got that. But a massacre of non- threatening animals? Really? Why? Expediency? Bloodlust? What?

If you think many (not all!) police officers think you or your friends and/or family are any different, have any more value, than these animals, then you are foolish, delusional or just plain stupid.

Expect no better if and when.  

Yust in case you forgot

12 years ago, the USS COLE was attacked in Yemen.

You’d think that some of the folks supposed to be looking out for the interests of the US and the security thereof would maybe remember who did the attacking…and what part of the world such things happen in (and where the perpetrators come from). But they don’t. Apparently all that eduction means nothing, as there are some (supposedly) really smart people being paid big bucks to make the decisions as to how to protect things on certain dates in certain parts of the world. But they sure make some stupid decisions about that stuff


USS Cole (DDG 67) underway

Not so much:

Total temperature rise in the last 15 years?

Exactly ZERO.

Not that you’ll hear about it on the MainStream Media.

And now the denials begin:

1. You can’t use 15 years as a basis to predict anything…(except that they always have).

B. There are more factors than just temperature (what we “deniers” have said all along!

And others yet to be heard…

 Is Global Warming Climate Change real? Maybe. Maybe not.

But we have wasted spent an awful lot of money (and enriched a great number of connected people in the process) to Do Something subsidize a renewable energy infrastructure that is ineffective for about the last 5 years or so….To what real effect?  

We have given an awful lot of money to, and subsidized the salaries of a significant number of “researchers” to prove….what?

We have strangled businesses and damaged our economy to make exactly what change in the environment? 

We have paid for a large number of “elites” to jet about the world in 1/3 full airplanes and spew How Many? tons of carbon from their private jets as they flock to exotic locations to “discuss” the “issues” in a party atmosphere group setting (rather than use video conferencing or other methods to save all that carbon and wasted energy) and accomplish exactly what?

Someday our descendants will look back and laugh at us for allowing this to happen. 

One day soon:

We are gonna have to think about things in this stark reality:

The weapons are different today than they were in the 16 and 1700’s. The song was written in 1980. But the reference is old. Very old.
 They had it in them then, do you have it in you today?  ‘Cause likely, soon, the time will come when yer gonna have to decide if it is in you or not.
And that is gonna determine your future. Serf or Citizen? They are eroding your rights and freedoms by stealth and incrementalism….. What are you gonna do when they become open and quick about it? When they come for your freedom and the tools by which you ensure it?
Think now, Decide now. Find your line now. 
While you can………While you have the time to do so.
Before you must.

most dangerous cities in the world

Surprising to me that some are in the US.Not the most dangerous, but some are high on the list.



St Louis.

All areas with “gun control”.

All highly “Blue”.


Sure there is.