If christians killed people for offensive things

The bodies of liberals and artists here is the US would be stacked like cordwood.

You have stuff like this, and this.

Which should lead to riots and violence and maybe even deaths….

But it don’t happen here.

And it is interesting how the muslims demand respect for their book, and their prophet, and their beliefs. But will not show the same respect for anyone else’s.

UnFucking Real

SO the WON can’t find time to meet with the leader of the one country in the middle east that is actually friendly to the US….He’s too busy

BUT the stupid fucker CAN find the time to meet with the leader of Egypt, that member of the Muslim Brotherhood…. Mohammed Morsi.

Sure, lets spit in the eye of our only friends in the area. Insult our allies. That’ll increase the level of security for this country. I bet it makes the unwashed muslim masses like the US immediately….

Stupid fucker. Putting his hopes of a muslim revival first and the security of the country second. Violating his oath.

Barry seriously needs his ass kicked. Hard.

Untitled Post

History does not record anywhere a religion that has any rational
basis. Religion is a crutch for people not strong enough to stand up to
the unknown without help.
-Lazarus Long, Time Enough for Love

I’d vote for this

Like I said before, we NEED a choice in our voting.


Bet that would win more often than not.

And it’d do more to fix things than anything else we have tried.

Now Yemen….

So now the embassy in Yemen has been attacked.

Several points

1.  These protests are not spontaneous. They are planned. And organized. And professionally executed.

B.  The date is not coincidental. It was not about a movie.

III. The mobs are being used by the powers that be. Mostly they don’t care if someone is hurt or killed.
       Theirs OR ours.

4. IF the attacks carried out at the embassy in Egypt had been “dealt with” properly at the start, then the
    ambassador and Marines in Libya would likely still be alive, and not dragged lifelessly through the streets.

E. The leadership shown here is reminiscent of the Carter administration. Just sayin’.

VI. The host countries leaders are allowing this to happen, which suggests that they are sympathetic to
     whoever is stirring up the crowds. This means the governments we are supporting are NOT our friends.
      They each have the means to police their people accordingly, and have chosen not to.

7. Bullets and Fire are your friends when a mob attacks the walls of your embassy. Should have been used
     early and often as a lesson the those following. Brutal, but effective. And it is not like it would generate
     more hate towards the US. Allowing your embassy (or consulate)(legally, the soil of the US) to be
     attacked and the US flag to be burned with no dead protesters is a travesty. It shows weakness.What
     were the ROE for the Marine guards?

H. This shows that despite the significant amounts of foreign aid cash (which we didn’t have, and couldn’t
    afford, but sent anyway) we have sent to these countries, we have not purchased one dimes worth of
    goodwill. We should stop all foreign aid immediately. To each of the countries. If nothing else it sends a
    message that we will not be fucked with, and the other remaining countries will understand and stop such
    protests or pay the price.

IX. We should immediately pull all personnel out of the countries so far affected, and, if the mob continues to
       loot the building(s) and compound, destroy them with no notice other than that it might happen rockets,
       demolition, it doesn’t matter how. If we kill some looters, well, so be it. Animals learn the lessons taught
        with the most force better…Same with these people. We should also kick their diplomatic personnel out  
        of the US with about 4 hours notice. Just tell them to leave. And enforce it. With force if necessary.

10. By allowing this to happen with no repercussions, the leadership in our government weakens the US in
      the eyes of every other country. Apologizing and understanding don’t work with these people. A firm fist
      does. We should use one.  Understanding and such might work well in educated and peaceful groups of
      “intellectuals”….. it won’t there.And the Diplomats had better learn that lesson quickly, before they allow
       any additional damage to be done.

ETA: At least Obama and his people haven’t apologized for this….yet.

ETA2: Murphy and I agree

This is why

I suggested that Romney should have said he would cut back the EPA.

But he didn’t. He didn’t even mention it.

If he’d promise to do so, He’d get the vote of each and every business owner. Stop the EPA. Abolish it, in fact.

Of course, the EPA is just the precedent setter. Many other agencies use the same tactics and methods to strangle businesses and freedom.

Until we stop these behemoths and cut back their power, our economy will never rebound.

Found the article via Insty. As he says, Read the whole thing.

The day the dollar began to die

Sept 11, 2012.

This will impact our economy worse that the 9/11 attacks. Seriously

Once the US dollar is no longer the currency used to trade in fungibles like oil, then it’s primacy begins to fade. If another currency becomes the standard for such trades, We. Are. Screwed.

We are headed to a place where the dollar will be worth less every day, like the Italian Lira or the Zimbabwean dollar.

Can you blame anyone for not wanting to hold or trade in dollars anymore? “Quantatative Easing” has devalued it significantly in such a sort time. Deficit spending has done even more.

This is, I fear, the death knell for the US dollar. And by extension, for the US economy.

To all of you folks who believe

That 9-11 was an inside job, a conspiracy of our government, or whatever else crackpot theory you rehash every year. Planned demolition, Bush knew ahead of time, and it was really a plot by the Israelis, and Darth Dick Cheny did the planning, or whatever your current delusion is:

Get a grip.


You harm the memory of those who were victims, and you undermine the magnitude of the tragedy.

And you are idiots.

ETA: Others agree with me

11 years ago.

I won’t forget.

Will you?

I’ll always remember the celebrations of the folks in the Mideast. The joy at the damage done by their martyrs to the “Great Satan”.

The nearly 3000 people killed to make a statement. People of all creeds and colors and races.

Some statement.

Never Forget.


Remember who your enemy lives with in safety.  Remember where he comes from. Remember who safely hides him.

Remember. .

Strangely, you didn’t see this on the media, did you?

Seems a Muslim  in Kentucky went all psycho and killed several people. All in the name of Allah. Praying before he did so.  Yet you never heard anything about this hate crime on the MSM, didja?

I don’t fully understand his beef, and really don’t care. He killed people. And he called upon his god when he did so.

And note that it was an armed, retired police officer who stopped him. Armed citizen and all that.

Was this religiously motivated? Maybe. Maybe not.  But if it had been a Christian who did this (admittedly praying to another god) then the news media would have trumpeted this in prime time.

Not so in this case. Wonder why?