So I gotta ask:

WTF happened to the people of Boston(in particular) and Massachussets in general?

238 years ago today their ancestors took action which led to the Revolution which foreshadowed the forming of our country…..and the writing of the Constitution….which made this country the magnet for freedom seeking peoples all over the world.

Yet today, those same tea party participants would likely spit in the faces of the current residents of Boston and the state in which it resides.

I guess all the freedom lovers moved west and south.

What a shame.

whole lotta shakin’ goin’ on.

200 years ago today, the fault known as the New Madrid Fault shook the Midwest (and continued for another few months).

The earthquake caused the Mississippi to run backwards for a time and cracked sidewalks in DC.

Whaddya think might happen if that shaking occurred today? With a greater population density and people living in more modern homes (not cabins)?

FEMA would likely have another opportunity to fumble their way through the disaster.

But in the meantime a lot of folks would starve, and may more would die of exposure.

Likely while the National Guard confiscated firearms….

Prep for such things…..have a plan. Have a secondary stash of preps in case your home is destroyed so you have time to dig yer primary shit out of the wreckage of your home while waiting for a blue tarp . 

Have you got earthquake insurance? Mine costs me less than 20 bucks a year for a $5k deductible plan.  Likely never need it, but it’ll sure come in handy if we have a 7.0 + here in Indiana and my basement walls collapse.

Just a thought.

It’s a start

Now we need even more stuff like this.

and jail time and maybe even asset confiscation for those who defrauded the taxpayers.

Unless, of course, you think a firing squad might be better for those found guilty.

I gotta get me one of these!

I think I am gonna order several of these signs.


One for each business, and one for my home.

Maybe one for each car too. And the garage. And the barn.

Maybe my brother will see this and place them in our other businesses as well. (I’ll buy ’em Bro!)

You can find them HERE.

Found at

Going after the Sheriff

Who does what the feds won’t:

Enforce the immigration laws.

He’s unpopular with the Latinos. Most of whom have more loyalty to their “people” than to their country.

And the Obama administration is losing ground in the Latino demographic.

So they sic the civil rights folks on him.You know that if it goes to court, Holder has the judge already picked out (and briefed).

Arizona sheriffs, doing the job the feds won’t Protecting our borders. And getting heat for it.

And it must be that a majority of the (legal) residents who vote in the county seem to like him enough to re-elect him.

Now it is even easier

For this to happen: Follow the link…Read the story

Look: I don’t know the veracity of this person. I have no way to verify her story. For all I know it is just that: a story.

But I do know that the Patriot Act has many flaws and now, hidden in the National Defense Authorization Act, are even greater dangers…dangers which can lead to (more) stories like Ms Lindauers. Read sections 1031 (especially paragraph (c)) and section1032. No trial. Held on an accusation. No proof required. Indefinite detention. Just on someones say so. No review.

Will the Military and Political folks actually use the openings provided for in the NDAA? Maybe, Maybe not. History says that they will…eventually.

The Constitution provided for protections to prevent such a shadow movement….protections against a hidden agenda or hidden punishments or detention for such individuals. Designed to prevent those in power from abusing their positions. Carefully crafted so long ago to keep the citizens safe from such behavior. That document is what has (so far) prevented this country from becoming, from devolving, into a Russia-like society or third world country like Iran in the ’70’s (or today), where secret police could pull someone off the street for interrogation or indefinite detention for the “Good of the State” as ordered by a nameless person placed into power and allowed to act with no review or fear of punishment.

Today we have allowed our politicians to strip us of that protection. To subvert the Constitution. To piss on the freedoms and the rules which make this country better (and different) than others.

And I find that frightening. If the implications of the NDAA (House Bill 1540) don’t frighten you and anger you, then you are a sheep….and a fool.

How many free peoples have destroyed themselves by proclaiming “It can never happen here!”, only to find out that indeed, it can.And when they find that out, it is (generally) too late.

Read the story. True or not, it should frighten you. And now we have opened the doors to even more abuse, with even less oversight.

I am angry. I am frightened. Not for myself, but for my country. That for which it once stood is being subverted….all in the name of the war on terrorism.  First it was the “War on Drugs”, then it became a “War on Terrorism”. But the erosion of our protection, the Constitution, is accelerating.. It may not affect me, but it will affect your children.

HT: Coyote Prime

Senate Bill 1867 is now in the House

as HR 1540.

Time to dust off the old dialing finger and let your “Representatives” know what you think about this abortion of a bill.

Then again, we could just revolt.

Or something.

Use the link at the top of the sidebar to find yer “reps” if you aren’t sure who to contact (or stronger methods if you think necessary).

Be nice though when you call, angry peasants revolting seem to make them not listen. Until, of course they have too, but by then it is to late.

ETA: They passed the bill.

Perhaps we should begin heating the Tar and unbagging the Feathers.

I’m sure they’d prefer it to my first choice…Rope. Drw your own conclusions as to what it could be used for.