Will it make the wearer bulletproof?

Or resistant to Molotov type beverages?

Bet it makes ’em feel like robocop though….

’cause if not, it’ll just piss of those of us in “flyover country”. Might work in the east and left coast states (and Chicago), where most of the populace is disarmed, but not where I live.

YMMV, and this is, of course, only for discussion.

Lots of neat hardware (and an educational look at police attitude at the home page though.

ETA: more thoughts HERE. He beat me by three days.

we should build a wall

and just ISOLATE southern Kalifornia from the US. Maybe let Mexico have it back.

It is, after all, full of crazy, looine, stupid Idiotic FUCKING MOONBATS!
But I digress,

Really, have you ever heard of a county council acting any more stupid?

Why is it always the liberal strongholds? 


So today, one of the guys who drives the snowplow which cleans the parking lot for my business comes in to use the bathroom and get a cup of coffee. He’s an opionated guy, and VERY liberal, so we do hae some interesting conversations sometimes.

“did ya hear that they are going to extend the “Bush Tax Cuts”? He asks…..

(my staff ducks)

“Why yes, I did” says I

“Gonna cost the government like 4 billion dollars” he says…..”Where are we gonna get the money to make that up?”

“Well, first of all, it’s not like the government already had the money….” I began

“Not fair!” he interjects, “those who have more should pay more!”.

“Really”, I replied…Cutting him off somewhat sharply.

“How many unplowed driveways did you pass on the way here?” I asked.

“I dunno,” he replied  “quite a few?”

“Did you plow any of them?” I asked sweetly

“No” was his reply….

“Why not?” I asked

“cause they haven’t paid to have their driveways plowed” he responded.

“But you have a snowplow on YOUR truck” I said….

“Yeah, so?” was his reply

Then the light dawned.
He turned and walked out and finished the parking lot.

Why can’t liberals apply logic to their own thoughts?


Seems the FAA can’t keep track of375,000 airplanes. (or at least 1/3 of them).  Yet they spend more money each year. Seems that we should get about 1/3 of the cash they spend on tracking private aircraft back.

I can’t wait for Obamacare to show us how a government run bureaucracy can save money and be efficient.

Actually, this is a good idea, one that should have been implemented soon after 9/11. But, of course, its government….. So it requires that someone care enough to push it through the layers and layers of management to actually make it happen.

Still, it’s only once every 3 years.

Untitled Post

People who abandon animals should be beaten.

People who abandon pets in a rural area in winter should be stripped naked and left in an area miles from anywhere in winter weather to fend for themselves with no supplies.Let us see how they like it.

It is a cruel thing to abandon a domesticated animal in the wild. Crueller yet to do so in winter.

Would that the punishment could fit the offense.

When you choose to take a pet you commit to taking care of it for its lifetime.

Or don’t bother.