Only cops should have firearms.

They have the training, and the skills to use them. Cops are all our friends? Right? To “protect and to serve” and all that…..

And, of course, they are psychologically tested and all.


Sure. We can trust ’em.

The fact is that they are just people, like you and I. Some are good, some are bad, most are in between.

I would like to extend my appreciation to the officers in Lake County In, and in Will County, IL for their fine work in the incident. They had very few leads to go on, a half assed description of the perpetrator and the vehicle he used, and they made the most of them. Ballistics as well as good, old fashioned police work led to the quick apprehension of this whack job.


An excellent speech by a valedictorian.

And an indictment of the “educational system” which graduated her.

I too had several mentors who taught me to question. My father, and a teacher.

Dad: it was you who taught me to question things, not to merely accept what I was taught. It made life hard for me in school, but it made me a bit more intelligent, and I learned more that way.

My teacher, Jerry Boehner, reinforced that teaching from my Dad. Jerry: all I can say is “Thank you”. You too taught me to question, to learn, and above all to THINK. Would that all teachers were like you. Sadly, that is not the case. The system drives out those exceptional individuals, preferring those who would perpetuate the system of mediocrity.

The sad part is that this carries into our colleges and universities. The educational system is broken. Even some of it’s victims best graduates can see it. Now if only the leaders in academia could open their eyes.

Unpreparedness….by choice

So on Tuesday, this whack job with a gun tries to off two guys at a construction site, then wanders over a state border and shoots some farmer in a rural area…..

While a tragedy, and I hope they catch the guy (unlikely, as there are few leads and a poor description of the perp and his vehicle) the reaction of the residents in the rural area towns was laughable…

A significant percentage of the people in the NW Indiana towns near the incident began openly carrying (or at least not well concealed) pistols…Of course, this was the next day…(Wednesday)…The dude had not been seen since something like 11:00 am on Tuesday, had apparently departed the area last seen heading north, and had not been seen nor heard from since. It was also amazing to see how many pickup trucks suddenly grew rifles in the racks behind the seat.

While I encourage the (legal) carriage of firearms, it was kind of amusing to see the number of people whose hips suddenly sprouted pistols in the face of a pecieved threat…. The sad fact is that by the end of the week, unless there is another reason for them to continue to carry, they will all fall back into “condition white” and return the firearms to the safe/desk drawer/nightstand from whence they came.

How many of those folks have practiced in the past 6 months? Will they take the time to toss a few rounds downrange just to keep current now that the need for a firearm for defense has been demonstrated to them?
(The best part was the comments made by one guy at the hardware store to me…….”You should be carrying a gun…you never know when he’ll be back!”….Little did he know that I was….(it’s called CONCEALED carry for a reason)…and I always am carrying.. I am seldom in “condition white” and I am NEVER without a firearm unless I am travelling to a state where such is illegal. It is for just this eventuality that I carry even while doing work in the yard….and I NEVER trust people who come up to me.

If there is a need to carry today, then there is also a need to carry tomorrow (and probably yesterday). You can’t be a sheepdog some of the time.

ETA: I think that the face in the sketch looks sorta like the mighty OG..If ya squint real real hard….Although IIRC, he has an alibi for that time frame…..

Immigration snark

“But lest you think that I’m just mean, allow me to be the first one to call for compassionate relief measures to aid Mexico after the devastating mudslides that have reportedly killed numerous Mexicans. I propose that we send them a thousand replacement Mexicans immediately. ICE should be able to find that many before lunch. “

He has a few good points regarding illegals…

Read the whole post HERE