
I ordered a laser from

1 watt of blue laser. Enough to burn skin and all sorts of other mayhem, or so the warning page told me. I must remember not to look at the beam, nor shine it at anyone who I might ever want to see me again. Apparenlty, I can set the gulf oil slick on fire from Indiana, and all sorts of neat things like that.

I fully expect these to be illegal soon.

This is gonna be so cool! Product review a soon as it arrives. 4-6 weeks. Unless the Gubmint decides I don’t pass the NICS check or something.

First they came for the oil companies, and I said nothing,,,,

And eventually, the dairy farmers…..

See, it’s not about clean air or water, it’s about control

I would wager that there are other things which have a significantly greater impact on our water than the occasional large amount of spilled milk. Will the good enforcers from the EPA begin with the stormwater runoff from parking lots (which contains a significant amount of crankcase oil from cars that leak? Cities and towns flow large amounts of oil from roads and parking lots through their storm drains each and every time it rains. This all ends up in a river, stream, or lake. How about the salt in northern climates? Tons of salt wash into the storm drains, and eventually into the rivers and streams.

It is easier to go after farmers, small ones, than it is to go after big cities and such.
But the reach of the EPA is becoming too great for their grasp. The backlash will be significant. The EPA is full of folks who thing that mankind is the major pollutant. And at some point, they must be reigned in. Perhaps that time is now?


I wasn’t going to post anything today (on the theory that it is best to be silent,and thought of as a fool, than to speak up and remove all doubt), but then I came across this:

Linoge has a good point. Click the link, follow his links.

In effect, the US has lost control over a portion of its territory. ANd the powers that be do not seem to care. Perhaps we citizens should?

I mean, we could carpool or something. Spend a week…..Get some range time….

you know. That sort of thing.

Enough of this

While this may be legal, it is not moral. Nor is it right.

I know that the hospitality industry is having a hard time, but this is beyond the pale.

We need to change our laws to stop the “anchor baby” issue.Just because you are born in the US should not make you a citizen automatically. Alternatively, you should have the option when you are 18 to choose your citizenship, but until then you should be treated as a citizen of the country of which your mother is a citizen.

Or something. But the whole anchor baby thing has to stop.

And the motel which offers this service needs to have issues. Angry protesters…interruption of services (any patriotic union garbageman should refuse to pick up their garbage, for instance).

This guy has balls.

The guy with the knife who took it down and gave his name.

I’d like to think that I’d have done the same (except that I might have pissed on the other flag).

If the Asshole who owns the restaurant thinks that the mexican flag belongs in the superior position, perhaps he should return to the country for which it stands. I’ll gladly drive him to the border and help him over…With the toe of my boot.

The fact that people like this get away with (sometimes) shit like this under the guise of multiculturalism, or on grounds of free speech, and the fact that people are afraid to do something for fear of the police and courts, is a travesty.

If I made the rules, the business owner would never do such a thing for fear his business might burn down….