Re: end runs around the constitution and other crimes by the legislative branch

Just something to think about. Draw your own conclusions. Make your own decisions. Decide where your “line in the sand” exists, and what you will do when/if it is crossed. Thil about this:

“And how we burned in the camps later, thinking: What would things have been like if every Security operative, when he went out at night to make an arrest, had been uncertain whether he would return alive and had to say goodbye to his family? Or if, during periods of mass arrests, as for example in Leningrad, when they arrested a quarter of the entire city, people had not simply sat there in their lairs, paling in terror at every bang of the downstairs door and at every step on the staircase, but had understood they had nothing left to lose and had boldly set up in the downstairs hall an ambush of half a dozen people with axes, hammers, pokers, or whatever else was at hand. The Organs would very quickly have suffered a shortage of officers and transport and, notwithstanding all of Stalin’s thirst; the cursed machine would have ground to a halt!”
–Alexander Solzhenitsyn

If yu don’t know who he is, use Google. Learn.

If you do, then think.


So the Socialists Democrat majority in the house is trying yet another end run around the rule of law in order to get their Holy Grail Health Care Reform passed.  Ok, I can understand this. It is imporant to them and their ideology. I get that. It is the only way they can promote Socialism equality in this country.They have chosen to work on this to the detriment of the country, ignoring our economic crisis, and the fact that their pending (but failing) legislation is even now stalling an economic recovery. They simply don’t seem to care about the consequences to the country of this vaporware bill.

But in proposing to ignore the Constitution and the Senate and House rules, they are, in effect, conspiring to break the rule of law, and conspiring to break the oath that they swore when they were elected and sworn in as congressmen and representatives:

“I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which I am about to enter. So help me God”

Can we, therfore, arrest them for conspiracy to break their oath and for conspiring to violate the Constitution? Were I to conspire with you to rob a bank or overthrow the government, and we were found out, we could be charged with a crime, even if we never acted upon such discussions. What about the Senators, Representatives, and President who are indeed conspiring to violate the Constitutional laws by which our Congress works?

(Of course, there is the chance that the Citizens of the US will, if there is no other action, take matters into their own hands. )

Seriously though….Why can these folks in the ruling class legislative branch be charged with such a conspiracy. It is reported by many news agencies and in their own words.

(I, personally, think we should charge them with treason….YMMV)

Something to think about:

“People and governments who care about the poor will make them uncomfortable in their poverty. Countries who spend the most on their poor have the most poor to spend money on.”

– Benjamin Franklin.

Think about it.

what a waste of money

The census folks sent me a letter telling me that I should expect a census form soon. Unless you have been living under a rock, you should already be aware of this.

If the address is wrong, I will recieve neither letter nor census form. If it is correct then I will recieve both, so the first one is surpurflous, and a waste of money. (At 105,000,000 households at $0.50 for the letter, envelope, printing and postage, which even assuming great volume discounts and all is a fairly conservative estimate, puts us at $52.000.000 (likely three times that!) for the useless letter). FIFTY TWO MILLION DOLLARS!

But hey, it no doubt helped keep the unemployment numbers low for Barry…..

I intend to follow the Constitution when it comes to the census. I will accurately fill out the number of adults and children portion, and keep the rest private.

My race, my income, etc., are not a part of the census as mandated in the constitution. And they matter not when it comes to the allocation of government funds, nor congressional districts, or anything else that the goverment should be doing.



I just finished reading “In Harm’s Way: The Sinking of the U.S.S. Indianapolis and the Extraordinary Story of Its Survivors”. by Doug Stanton.

It made me angry. Very angry. It seems that the Bureaucracy of the US Navy is what killed so many sailors, by leaving them adrift for so long. The men of the USS Indianapolis thought that they were a part of a fighting force that would help them, and look for and rescue them. They thought that they were a part of a corps that would look out for them and take care of them, and care. There were so many chances for someone to notice AND THEY WERE EVEN ALERTED BY A MAYDAY RADIO MESSAGE. But no one really cared enough to check it out, or to bother to notice that they were overdue and bother to find out why. So men floated in the water for 4 DAYS and many went mad from exposure, or dehydration, and many were EATEN by sharks.

All because some folks who should have cared became too comfortable in their jobs and forgot that there was a war happening and that their jobs were to keep track of ships so that if they failed to arrive the search and rescue folks could begin looking for the crew. But nope, they couldn’t be bothered by such minutiae. And because of that nearly 500 men, who had survived the sinking, died. All because some bureaucrats failed to bother to do their job, even in wartime.

What makes any of us think that in a world increasingly dominated by computers, that these same bureaucrat types will not see us as even less important when it comes to our health care? It was easy for those folks to think of the ships and their crews as just objects. It’s easy enough for the folks who work for our insurance companies to think that way today. But if they get bad enough, they eventually get fired. Not so with a government employee. A civil service worker essentially has to come in drunk with a naked boy on his lap, with a dead hooker in the trunk just to be suspended. It’s not like there is any incentive to be compassionate, or productive, or in any way human in a civil service job (if you think otherwise, try to pay your taxes at a state office, or get your  drivers license renewed).

It would seem that bureaucrats have been around forever, and that they are just as incompetent today as they were then, if not more so.

How many will today’s bureaucrats kill? When they are in a government job where their performance doesn’t decide the fate of people , but they merely soak up time and resources, that is one thing. When they are in a job where their lack of performance can cause death, or injury, or the delays that they cause can result in worsening medical conditions, then it begins to matter.

Like the Indianapolis, our citizens deserve better.

What is to keep the system from failing us, as it did so long ago to the Indianapolis?

More Chilean earthquake news and commentary

Via Ferfal. While he may be biased (and he IS promoting his book), he does have some interesting thingson his Blog.


Then HERE and HERE
Money quote:  “It also depends a lot on how lucky you are. Its easy to say this or that only happened to a few hundred or a few thousand. But when it happens to you its 100%.

MSM story HERE

Think. What happens to YOU if it happens here? Gonna depend on the goobermint?  If Katrina is an example, you’re gonna starve before they get to you.

 You gonna go into one of their shelters for food and water? What about your pets/livestock?

What about your posessions? Gonna leave them for others to acquire?

Have a plan. Have preps. Your plans will go to shit moments afterwards, but an imperfect plan (any plan at all) is better than no plan.. You can adapt your plan…..If you have one. And someone with no plan and no preps has no options.

You can, of course, always shut your eyes, click your heels together three times and say “It can’t happen to me, It can’t happen to me, It can’t happen to me“,  But in the end without preps, you will have no choice for your self, your family, and your friends. You will have to depend on a dysfunctional government agency to survive. If they get there in time.

Or you can stand up and fend for yourself, and be free.

You decide…… Free citizen? Or Subject? 

So where were all the others?

Seems that every lying bastard “fiscal conservative” senator has been conspicuously absent when it came to supporting Senator Bunning.

Now that man has courage. Balls, if you will. Guts enough to stand up , and say “No!, Not until you explain how to pay for this!” .

But did ANYONE join him?



Yep. That’s what I thought. Left him twisting in the wind, all alone.

Fuck’em all. Not one single Republican had the courage to stand beside him. Not one.

Conservatives, my ass.

Maybe I’ll go buy some rope….Just to have it on hand when the time comes.

Someone else bring the tar. And feathers. And pitchforks and torches too.

I already have the tree picked out.