“She hunts moose with a chainsaw from the back of a snowmobile or something”

Ya gotta love the attention that the media is paying attention to Palin’s departure announcement. No one knows why she is quitting, or if she’ll run for POTUS in 2012…..or what might happen

Whatever she is doing, she obviously has a plan, and has what she thinks are good reasons to do what she is doing.

But the media is in a tizzy, and that is a GOOD THING. It keeps them talking about her, fueling the media circus, keeping her name in everyone’s mind.

The fact is, she frightens the powers that be, because she appeals to many people, even liberals. She is one of us, not a slick, polished, speechwritten, nuanced, smooth delivery sort of person. She doesn’t need a teleprompter to tell her what to say, and she speaks from the heart. Ther appears to be no hidden message in her words Everyone, no matter their political persuasion, can see that.

Tina Fey aside, people liked what they saw in her.

And that frightens the people who want to stay in power, or who want to regain their power.

More thoughts HERE.

Is she a viable candidate for 2012? Perhaps, perhaps not. But I would be that the next candidate has many of her qualities. He or she will be less slick, more plain spoken, and less polished.

People take notice of these things, despite the spin, and it seems that we like it.

July 4th…..

On this July 4th, let us rejoice that our forefathers had the fortitude to rebel. Let us thank the gods that we had those who could create the foundations of our country, the framework that has led to the greatest and most prosperous country ever. Today is the day we celebrate the birth of our nation

But let us not forget that these people, these future citizens and statesmen, rebelled against the tyrannical government of King George. “no taxation without representation”, and other cries, each protesting some form of regulation or taxation of free, hard working, unsubjugated citizens. Today, this July 4th, we celebrate the actions of the few, the minority that essentially created this country.

The rebellion was about taxes, but more about control of their destiny, rather than having their destiny controlled by some third class flunky back in merry old England.

Today, we are taxed, regulated, and policed to a far greater degree than that experienced by those who founded our country and who rebelled against the policies and control of King George III. We have a higher level of regulation and a higher level of tax, not to mention control and meddling in our very lives, than our forefathers had in 1775!

Why do we allow this…. Why do we not stand up, and be counted? Is it because we have our own country and countrymen to regulate and tax our lives, instead of a disconnected monarch in England? Today, my friends, we have a set of disconnected rulers in Washington!

Then, they rebelled, Today, we sit quietly. Oh, I know, we are all going to Tea Party Protest meetings, where we will all stand there, and be counted (and no doubt photographed as potential terrorists) and some of us will wave signs, and we might chant and cheer…. but what will we have accomplished with our attendance? Will we have changed one single legislators mind? Will we have made any local government official say “no” to more spending, or “yes” to a cut in government? Will it make our government more efficient? Make it (them) spend less of our money? Will it change one thing?

I begin to doubt.

Which leads us to the question…What should we be doing instead? What actions should we take to cause change in our government? To make our legislators sit up and take notice, and change their ways?

Thomas Jefferson said “The price of liberty is eternal vigilance”

We seem to have fallen asleep on our watch., and let other forces take over our country. Today, we have less freedom, not more, than the not yet citizens of the soon to be created nation in 1775! Higher taxes and more government control than those brave rebellious souls did in 1776, before they signed the famous Declaration of Independence

We are the heirs of our rebellious ancestors, those who pledged “their lives, their fortunes, and their sacred honor”

Has the rebel spirit been lost? Perhaps.

Would they be proud of our actions today? I think not.

So what DO we do?

Smells like Chicago

This is the sort of thing we get along with our “Hope and Change” ™ ….

Mr. Obama is, after all, a product of Chicago cronyism and political meddling, A La Mayor Daley and his pet alderpersons….

When will we say “enough!” and demand that we get, if not open, honest, transparent government, at least have the cronyism and theft return to the “old” levels, where we might not have liked it, but we could at least stomach it?

When will the people demand that the IG’s and the other watchdogs not be muzzled? When will we cry “stop!” and demand an accounting? How much willwe accept until it turns our stomachs?

I know I am sounding a bit repetetive, but still, with so much cronyism and blatantmanipulation going on…..

Let’s not talk about the millions going to ACORN (or whatever they are calling themselves now) as payback for helping to win an election (by hook or by crook).

Jesus H. Christ, Why do we let the administration get away with this stuff?