If you read this blog, you have probably heard about the “Tea Party” protests scheduled for April 15th. I urge everyone to attend their nearest protest. Enough people attending will force the MSM to acknowledge and report on them. Only with this exposure will the movement begin to have an effect. Thus far, the MSM has essentially declined to report on the protests.

Taxed Enough Already. TEA.

If you can, I urge you to attend.

For a list of protests and locations, go to and find your most convenient location. Attend if you can. Tell others if you can. Go with friends. Have fun. Be safe. be loud, but don’t get arrested. But go.

I realize that most people reading this are likely employed, and attending a protest will be difficult because of work, but try, please.

I’ll be in Chicago that day, and I will attend that protest.

Please, attend and be heard.

Democrats…For the people…(yeah, right!)

So some folks in Massachusetts want ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS to have the right to vote.

Legislators that even think about the idea must be either stupid, or at best, shortsighted.

Some want to allow CRIMINAL ILLEGAL INVADERS to have the chance to vote on laws and legislation. If these people want to change something, let them begin with their OWN COUNTRY, not the US.

But think for a moment of that blue-collar worker who has lost his construction job to illegal immigration; whose property taxes rise to provide services for those working off the tax rolls; and who then finds himself standing in line behind an undocumented-but-legally-registered voter casting ballots on a tax override.
He votes no. The illegal immigrant votes yes. The override passes, and he’s told to accept the results because “the people have spoken.”

I have a cure for this sort of thinking, and would encourage the good folks of Massachusetts to let their legislators know that they are considering it….

I’m just sayin’…..

Untitled Post

Bill Clinton is getting $12 million for his memoirs.

Hillary got $8 million for hers.

That’s $20 million for the memories from two people, who for eight years, repeatedly testified, under oath, that they couldn’t remember anything.

You gotta love this country…..

I think I have an idea as to the plan….

So it occurs to me (when I am wearing my double-thick tinfoil hat with earflaps and special custom rain drip edge) that the scheme that Mr. Obama has in engineering the “Bailout II” and other BOONDOGGLES Financial Rescue Plans, betrays his real aim for the nation. His (and his associates’) plan is to devalue the dollar. This simple seeming, yet nefarious plan will allow him to destroy the wealth of those who have either earned it (no doubt through exploitation of the poor and minorities or who got ahead because of the advantage they had due to education) or who have inherited it (most likely from someone who exploited some minority to gain HIS/HER wealth). The continued devaluation of the dollar due to his inflationary practices makes IRA’s, 401’s and savings (not to mention inherited wealth) significantly lower in buying power. This inflationary practice will greatly reduce the wealth gap in the coming years. This plays into his class warfare past…. Essentially, by devaluing the dollar, eventually minimum wage will be something like $12/hour and climbing. As he taxes people making ever less (changing the definition of “rich”…Once it was a million bucks per year, Currently it is $250K per year, and soon it will be lower) he brings us ever more even. Taxing the “rich” to an ever increasing degree at one end, and devaluing the dollar at the other, he will soon have erased the wealth of most middle class and nouveaux “rich”.

Therefore, by reducing the value of the dollar through inflation, he effectively wipes out or reduces the savings of those who have worked hard to get ahead. Thereby removing or greatly reducing wealth and bringing those of us who have succeeded (be it by exploitation, or hard work, or luck or whatever) closer to the level of those who have nothing (due to laziness, lack of education, bad luck or bad judgement). He’s always wanted to raise the underprivileged up, but being unable to do so, he’s going to bring the top down.

We all know that he is a redistributionist. But since “we the people” won’t allow too much redistribution, he is instead reducing the wealth of those of us who work hard and succeeded (to whatever measure we have). Instead of redistributing wealth, thereby equalizing us via redistribution, he will do so by reducing wealth through inflation, making us all equal. Those who have nothing will not be damaged by inflation in the long run, as they have little or no savings to lose, whereas the rest of us, those with savings or retirement will be greatly damaged by Zimbabwe-like runaway inflation. We have much to lose. Ultimately, all saved or accumulated wealth will be very nearly wiped out. Soon we will all be equal financially.

If the poor cannot be lifted up, then the rest must be lowered….

DNC lies

Excuse me for being redundant in the title….

The DNC released a statement this week that they had collected 642,000 signatures of pledges from across the country in support of Obama’s massive budget.

Except they didn’t….

The official DNC release read, “Supporters of President Obama’s budget to hand deliver 642,000 pledges….” CNN and the Huffington Post reported the DNC’s claim. But the truth is somewhat more complicated.

The president’s e-mail list of 13-million resulted in just 114,000 individual pledges — a response rate of less than 1 percent. Party workers secured another 100,000 signatures by hitting the streets. The DNC arrived at its 642,000 figure by making three photocopies of each petition so that every signer’s senators and representative could get one.

Doncha just hate it when ya get caught?????

What’s next?

We already do government housing, medical care, food stamps, etc… the ‘disadvantaged”.

Now we are giving cell phones!

Someone in government needs to learn the difference between necessities and conveniences, needs and wants.

But then again, liberals have always had a hard time with that, haven’t they?

Next,I suppose will be free fashions for the ladies so that they can keep up their self esteem…… Lingerie? Where does it stop???


Jesus jumpin’ Jehosephat!

THe Obamas give the Queen of Frickin England an IPOD. THe DVD‘s to Gordon Brown were classless enough, but to give the queen an Ipod???

This man embarasses me. He embarasses the country. Between His and Hillary’s “gaffes”, It is becoming clear that they are either imcopetent classless boobs playing at being heads of state, or they are doing what they can to damage our relationships with our allies.

It’s enough to make you wonder….