
“Experience is not what happens to a man; it is what a man does with what happens to him.”

Aldous Huxley

Gettin’ the DJ Trump treatment

Sp what did Shaun Combs (“Diddy”) do to piss off the Liberals in power?


First they went after him in court, then the raid on his homes,


Now there is an allegation and a suit against his kid,


Not saying there is no merit to the suit, but one has to wonder about the timing. Innit funny that there is all this shit happening all at the same time? Are we supposed to believe that this is all just coincidence?

Kinda like DJT had all that shit come down all at once when he started running for President. Or how all those allegations surfaced just after Bill Cosby spoke out against the Black Lifestyle and Culture….

So what did Diddy do? Did he say something? Piss off the wrong Liberal?

Enquiring minds and all that shit.


Forget about the LAW…Only Ideology matters.

To liberals…..

Justice Sonia Sotomayor, of the Supreme Court of the United States, apparently is somewhat ill. She is pushing 70, and liberals fear that she will have to retire during the (apparently now fully presumptive) Trump Presidency..,Leaving an opening that Trup could use to appoint a judge that is not liberal enough for the Democrats…much like what happened last time with Justice Amy Cony Barrett.

Forget that at that level, there should be no “Conservative” nor “Liberal”….there should be only Law. (ideally no judge should ever see anything but Law).  So far we have had a fairly decent court. with the Justices generally taking the Law, the Constitution and plain common sense into their decisions…Even Ruth Bader Ginsberg was, while appointed as a “liberal” ,pretty good at not “Legislating from the Bench”, but rather following that pesky Constitution and Rule of Law.

But now, just to be sure that Joe Biden can nominate a Liberal justice, one that will further the Liberal Agenda that he has pushed so far into our lives, they want Justice Sotomayor to retire. 

I wonder if they will insist that the justice not only be a woman and Liberal, but either openly Gay or Trans as well? ‘Cause we all know that that sort of stuff matters more that the Constitution and the Law, right?


So was Joe lying then, or is he lying now?

So the excuse for suspending new permitting for Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) export projects back in January, when it took place, was that there was “uncertainty about the security of the supply for domestic use beyond the 2020’s” ….All well and good. A good excuse for stopping the permitting and exports.

Except now, Joe (or his handlers, anyway) has said that he is willing to reverse the ban AS LONG AS HE GETS FURTHER FUNDING FOR UKRAINE.

Interesting, innit? Either he was lying about his reasons then, or he is lying now….or he is willing to sell out the security of the United States energy supply in the future to get funding for Zelensky in the short term. One wonders what sort of kickbacks are promised to Joe, his brother, and his son for this funding made him change his mind about the LNG ban so quickly…..

So which is it…was he lying then, about the reasons, or is it that he no longer needs the lie and is just using it as a bargaining chip.


(as an aside, I have to wonder what exactly Ukraine is using to pressure our President and many members of our Congress to continue to push for additional money to be sent to Ukraine…money that is, essentially, unaccountable…..despite ever increasing opposition by the citizenry of the US….yet they are still considering and pushing for that funding…..what are the incentives?…I mean, they’ve even gotten to Mike Johnson….Is there that much money available in kickbacks? Or are our politicians selling themselves for cheap? )

Well, shit

I didn’t win the Powerball.


This is gonna put a wrench in my retirement plans.


Hookers, booze, and blow are expensive, you know.

How Joe Biden wins the election

I mean, Covid “helped” last time…..What with all the Mail-In ballots that were manipulated, adjusted and otherwise allowed.

We could expect nothing less this time around….should we?

‘This could be 100 times worse than Covid’: Bird flu warning from scientists who say HALF of infections with H5N1 in people are fatal – as White House says it’s ‘monitoring’ the situation

Battlespace Prep and all that….



Y’know, it’s funny

The Left Leaning (and Anti Israel/Pro-“palestinian”) media can’t wait to tell us how terrible it is that the Israeli military killed a bunch of aid workers….

Now, lets point out a few things: This was at night, with unlighted vehicles, not daytime. Look like the enemy, get treated like the enemy. You gotta ask what the folks were doing travelling at nigh in an unlighted convoy of vehicles. Odd, that.

Further, do the Media bother to tell us about all the other aid workers killed around the world every year by other militaries? Generally those deaths are ignored. Why is this incident so high profile?


The only reason that these deaths happened at all, along with all the other folks in Gaza, is because the “Palestinians” chose to support Hamas, and to hide them and camouflage them as they coordinated their attack on Oct 7.  The people in Gaza supported those who started this, and they are reaping the rewards for it.

Don’t wanna get stung? don’t kick the hornets nest


Of course, Biden is bringing them in too, so there’s that

Migrants, I mean, Illegal ones,

REVEALED: The U.S. cities Biden is flying hundreds of thousands of migrants in controversial program that sparked national security fears


It is bad enough that the Biden Border Patrol folks are bringing in all these people.

It’s worse that they are completely un-vetted, un-tested for diseases, just let into the country and given free handouts and housing paid for by the US taxpayer.

Anyone complicit in this sort of shit, from Biden on down, needs to be hounded out of government service, lose his or her pension, and be beaten with a stick.

I include the contractors who are flying and bussing these people. These people need to be barred from ever doing business with any Federal agency….and if possible, their licenses pulled. They are aiding and abetting treason.


“Yes, we are a sanctuary city, but please go somewhere else”

Now the Blue Sanctuary cities are turning on each other:

I find this amusing. Incredibly amusing.

Denver warns new migrants to leave sanctuary city and move elsewhere – saying that their lack of resources means asylum seekers will ‘suffer’

‘The opportunities are over,’ Carrera says in Spanish. ‘New York gives you more. Chicago gives you more. So I suggest you go there where there is longer-term shelter. There are also more job opportunities there.’

It’s great to be all high and mighty and Virtue Signaling until you have to bear the load and pay the cost of what you preach, innit?