Interesting viewpoint:

 So it would seem that the Leftists and the DNC (and the media, but I am being redundant here) are all of the opinion that Judges, especially Supreme Court Justices, are there to legislate by proclamation rather than interpret the law. 

I find that scary, that they miss entirely the reason we have a Legislative, an Executive and a Judicial branch, and what their roles are. 

Columbus day

 And as usual, the LEFT wants to replace it with something else….”Indigenous People’s day”

It is, at the end, simply another attempt to erase history. 

We need to stop this shit soon. 

They must be scared:

 SO watching NBC news….looking for a weather report.

And I see a “News” segment titled “Inequality in America” about the police shooting Hispanic men, and hispanic men having to have “The Talk” with their kids. (Seems that it is the women in Black families that have to have the talk?)  How terrible it is that police officers are treating the Hispanic community.

 I read this ad desperation by the Dems. They have realized that LOTS of Hispanics are gonna jump ship, simply because they are better off, despite the “Covid”, under Trump than they were under the previous DNC rule. 

Bet on it. 

Instrument Pilot

 Yeah, you might have noticed that I have been posting very little and what I did post was not my “A” game. 

That’s ’cause I was studying hard for my Instrument exam and checkride. 

And all that work paid off.

I now hold an Instrument rating on my Private Pilot certificate. 

I am an instrument pilot.

5 hours of oral exam, and a 1.4 hour flight.

All culminating in a landing on a 180 runway with a 220 wind at 21 GUSTING 34…(and it was a good landing too). 

So now my ability to go places just  got a bit greater. If this Covid shit would finish (or after the election) I will put it to good use. 

It only took a year longer than I had expected it to take, but I got there. 

Sad Press

 The disappointment is palpable. 

Donne didn’t die (YET!) 

BUT…He did remove his mask. OMG!

His going home is, of course, terrible. Because reasons. 

In the meantime, the rest of the country doesn’t seem to care one way or another. 

Except, of course those with TDS, they have something new to froth up about.  And they have.

Have ya noticed?

 While the press is focused  on Donald Trump’s condition, as far as I have seen none of them are asking how the First Lady is doing….Odd, that. One might think that her condition would matter as well. It does to me, anyway

I guess that it only matters if she is dying. 

I think that tells us something about the Press.