Which is it?

I mean, the meme from the DNC folks is that “Russians” or “Russia” chose to help Donald Trump get elected.

But……(from a comment in a post on Kenny’s place)

Hillary won the popular Vote, so……

Did they help her?

(BTW, this an example of how you give attribution to a place where you found your subject material. It’s common courtesy to do so)


SO there is a big broughaha about Census questions;

In particular, about a question as to whether the respondent is a US citizen.

I think it is because the DNC types don’t want anyone to know how many non citizens are there,

They claim that they are afraid that the non citizens won’t respond to the census at all, and therefore the assets and tax money and, most especially, congressional seats, would therefore not be allocated properly…..(point here: are congressional seats supposed to be allocated by number of citizens or by number of population? Same same tax money and/or other assets…..)

There are many other questions on the Census…and the Census folks claim that it is a law that one answer those questions….but I know of no one who has ever been charged or fined or in any way punished for not answering the census questions…

I have always put the number of people and their genders and nothing else on the form sent to my household….

But riddle me this???Why should Non-Citizens get any representation?? Why should people who are in the country illegally get any assets allocated to their areas?

You gotta be Fookin’ Kiddin’ me…..?

So I have a friend who works with a person.
That person is darker in skin tone than we are (not that that is hard, as we are as pale as Canadian college kids on Spring Break…but I digress)

It was pointed out to my friend that there are subtle “Microagressions” everywhere….

The symbols on the traffic lights.
How, you might ask, would a traffic light be racist? (I was ignorant about this as well….Read on)

It would seem that they are racist because the traffic lights in common use here in Northwest Indiana have a white figure to tell you to walk and an orangeish hand to tell you not to walk….This was changed, apparently, many years ago to make it easier for blind visually impaired (there I go again with Microagression) people to more easily see the difference and thus not get run over by cars, trucks and busses….But, again, I digress.

Seems that it is perceived by (some) black people that “Its a WHITE hand that tells you to go but it is BLACK (Brown? Orange?) hand that stops you”….which is, somehow, racist.

Or something.

What a wonderful country we live in that this is the largest complaint….

One can find discrimination and/or racism anywhere, apparently, if you look hard enough and have an ambiguous enough definition….

Finally drying out

Or at least not so muddy that work cannot be done because the tractor can’t be driven over the grass without getting mired in the mud.

Spent yesterday servicing the big  Bush Hog mower. It had been on the far side of the soft part of the yard, and had been sitting since last fall.

Greased the u-joints on the driveshaft, oiled the blade pivots and the coupler, checked the level in the gearbox. Spent a half hour putting a proper edge profile on the swinging blades with a flap disc.

Mowing and wholesale mayhem on tall grass today….while I can.

if it doesn’t rain tomorrow, more of the same. 

BBBBBuuTTT the Tariffs won’t work!

Yet, oddly, despite the DNC types claiming that the threat of tariffs wouldn’t get any results, and that it was just gonna cost the US purchaser more….and that We (the US) needed Mexican made parts and produce more than Mexico needed the US….

Not only did Mexico choose to start closing their southern border to Central American migrants heading to the US (they already were closed to migrants intending to stay in Mexico….where the immigration laws are even harsher than those in the US) they also began investigating the sources of funds for those “Migrant Caravans”…

And, oddly enough, they found those funds came from “U.S., England, Cameroon, Honduras, El Salvador, and Guatemala”…and those funds were funneled through some “26 individuals and entities”…all of who still have some assets in Mexico…and said assets are now frozen pending an investigation. 

The margin of savings when one considers the poorer productivity, increased transportation costs and other issues with production in Mexico for goods produced in Mexico but used in the US mean that the 10% (and soon higher) tariffs would make the savings in labor be nearly nonexistent at the user or consumption end….therefore there would be no reason to continue production in Mexico for many companies……a truism which was, no doubt, communicated by many US companies who source goods and assemblies from our southern neighbor instead of produce them here in the US. 

And Mexico desperately needs the money. So they capitulated.

So yeah, those threats from Trump of Tariffs on Mexican goods DID work….. and worked well, indeed. Odd, how when one plays for good, and a leader with balls is in place, and one who puts the good of the country first, how things get done


There may be nothing funnier or more touching (or irritating) than the glee with which a young cat attacks and shreds a roll of toilet paper.

Of course, cleaning up the mess and finding a replacement quickly when the needful is needing doing is frustrating.


I mean, Lord God Almighty….

3 days without measurable rain. Three Whole Days…The yards and fields are parched.

I don’t know what we are gonna do….

And they said he was insane:

To threaten tariffs on Mexican produced goods and services unless Mexico did something to stem the flow of invaders to our country through Mexico…..(Hell, if they’d just not FACILITATE their passage, it would be good…)

They said:
It wouldn’t work…

The Mexican’s didn’t have the manpower to do anything about it.
It was impossible to stem the flow

and so on and so on….

Yet, oddly enough, it would seem that the Mexicans are at least making the attempt…or faking it, anyway.

Either way, they are arresting people and turning others away.

Funny, that….Threats of economic damage to THEIR country when their actions lead to economic damage to the US actually worked….
Whoda thought? 

D-Day—–75 years ago.

There’s not much I can say that hasn’t already been said.

But I would like to say this:

Those men had guts, Plain old hard to find GUTS. I’m not sure I could have walked out of those landing craft and done the job they did.

And THANK you to those who DID do that job.

That’s all.