22 and a big donation

So we had a Hunter Ed class at the range on Saturday.

“Twas good. The Indiana DNR gives us the materials and a class outline and allows us some leeway to teach.

Kids were attentive, interested, and pretty motivated. We instructors like that.

And, afterwards, had a man who was there with his son, come up and offer our Lead Instructor 5 (five) $100 bills as a donation,…because “I’ve taken this class over the years with all of my kids, and this was the best and most intereting”.

22 attendees, and 22 who passed the test and got their cards issued by the Indiana DNR.

Hopefully 22 more informed kids who will be better, safer, more ethical hunters.

Just about had it

With the bureaucratic assholes in the NRA training division.

It is sad what happens when you give a small man a little power.

This might be the break from the NRA for my club.

Someone in the NRA needs to realize just what kind of people they are hiring. . 

But shootings are down by 20% over last year!

Except that there were 12 people killed and over 70 shot.…Mostly non whites.

And it is, of course, ALL WHITE PEOPLE’S fault.
Even though, it isn’t white people that are doing the shootings, nor white people that are the victims. over a hundred thousand young people (white) attended the Lollapalooza concert….and yet there were no shooting (and almost no arrests!) at that concert…over 3 days….

And it isn’t white people in those communities that “Didn’t see Nothin’ ” and who fail to cooperate when questioned about what they saw…. ,nor is it whites who believe that the police are the enemy (Because they enforce laws and arrest black people when they break those laws) and who won’t help fix the problem. Who protest every time the police DO try to stop the violence and enforce the laws.

But is IS non whites who insist that they need more of those hated police (right now, anyway) to stop the shootings…And it is whites (especially wealthy ones) who are blamed for the failures of the non-white communities.

Odd, that. No one is willing to look at the real problem…culture of black urban peoples.

Yeah, pointing this out makes me a racist in many people’s eyes….. I no longer care.

ETA: It isn’t a melanin level, it is CULTURE. 

Stealth mortgage on your home….

How healthy are the public pension funds in YOUR state?

Something to think about:


(As a rule, the bluer the state, the more difficulty the state has in funding and/or meeting the obligations of the pension funds.)

Might be something to consider. 

Ghost guns? OMG!!!

Thing is, I’ve had these files for YEARS. (And, I am told by folks that I know (REALLY REALLY well …Like all my life, IYKWIM) that this blueprint makes for a functional AR receiver. (I  have one set of prints that supposedly will accommodate an M-16 fire group, and the dimensions for those parts too, but I’ve never tried them.)

HERE …available on the Internet for everyone to see….. (ETA: this is made from stacked sheet metal plates. all you need to do is cut them and drill them. Precision, yes, but average Joe garage level work)

And that receiver is, of course, unserialized….a  “Ghost Gun”as it were.

I also have blueprints for a Sten gun (never made one, that would be a fully auto one and I’m not gonna go to jail) although I am reliably informed by others that those prints make a functional firearm)….

And also a Grease Gun.

One cannot stop the signal.

And again, Socialism fails when no one can pay for it….

Or, as Maggie Thatcher said: When you run out of other people’s money.

Canada gives up on Universal Basic Income. 

It appears Norway is also gonna give up on that wonderful Socialisitic program. 

Of course, several DNC led cities in Califronia, and other larger cities around the US(also led by Democrats) can’t seem to understand that failure means…failure…..are gonna make it work, if they Just Try Harder….

‘Cause if there is one thing the Democrats seem to do well, it is to throw more money at a failed concept…..”Beat that dead mule until it starts moving”….Especially when they can use someone else’s money….