“Only whites can be racist”


Except for when things like THIS happen…

(Can’t seem to find proof that this video is indeed legit and came from the riot(s) in Milwaukee, so take it for what it is worth. )..

ETA: (Ok, Breitbart has a different version, so apparently it is legit (sorry CC))..and notice that even the lady at the end says “this ain’t right”….But rioting poor black people have no brain or conscience….

So where are the Black Lives Matter people?

’cause here is another young Black Man with a future who was gunned down on the south side in the early morning hours.

Of course, he wasn’t “gunned down” by a police officer, and the likely perpetrator is black.

But that shouldn’t concern anyone, as the fact is that they claim that the lives of black me are supposed to matter.

But those lives Don’t Matter unless it is a white cop that shoots them….

Gotta have something to “stir up the crowd” ya know….Make sure they vote early (and often) for the Democrats….

No blacks allowed

“I don’t want to have any black folks as a roommate”

“We need white only spaces where only whites can congregate”

“Black people have cause [sic] so much mf [sic] trauma on these campuses … why in the world would I want to live with that? Bring that into my home? A place that is supposed to be safe for me?”

Yeah, sounds racist to me too.

Except for the fact that the races are reversed….

Students advertise for black only roommates. 

Can you imagine the crying, screaming, and charges of “Raciss” if a white student had advertised for “No niggers”? The schools would have likely tossed him/her out…But not when the races are reversed….

Odd how the black people think this one is OK though, innit?

Training fail

In the classes I teach, every firearm is checked by TWO people before class to make sure they are unloaded and safe. Further we don’t allow any live ammunition in the classroom.

We only use Simunition or other training aids that are clearly marked as training, with colors.

Just top prevent this sort of scenario.

Woman killed by cop in classroom training accident.

This is fail in so many levels.

But we need to keep guns out of the hands of amateurs, and only in the highly trained cops hands….