And, amazingly, enrollment dropped:

Seems that Maine decided to stop the waiver for a work requirement for food stamps.

And, amazingly enough, the enrollment in the SNAP program dropped…..

Indiana has done the same….and the same thing happened…People who have to either work at a job or contribute to the community in order to get freebies suddenly decide they don’t need that freebie as much…

Amazing that. Now we need more of it elsewhere as well.

It occurs to me…

That it *COULD* be that the authorities in MO in general and Ferguson in particular have heard that the Grand Jury is gonna indict Officer Darren Wilson….and they expect the white folk in the area to riot, and burn, and loot in protest.

What? (stop laughing!) Could happen….right? We do that all the time, don’t we? I mean there is a history going back over a hundred years of white people trashing their own neighborhoods in protest when something makes the get all riled up and shit, right?

I have one question: Is it cultural or genetic?

Warning order:

Decision soon?

Just heard from a guy I know in the Missouri National Guard:

They (the Guvner) have declared a state of emergency in MO and expect a decision soon…They’ve lit the phone tree and expect the orders soon.

I have a call into someone who is in the east ST. Louis area, ’cause he told me they’d received their warning orders last weekend.

Pretty well tells us what they expect to happen, doesn’t it? And what the Grand Jury is gonna has decided….

Stay frosty.

ETA: For once on the civil front, I agree with Murphy.


So, due to vacations, I’ve been working in areas that I generally don’t, covering those folks who are on vacation.

Now, I work with a lot of middle aged women, and they tend to ….chat….A lot.  No group of 1+ women can work in silence, it seems. They discuss weather, finances, clothing, styles, other women, other women, other women, people in general, other women, relationships, etc.

So, while I am not much of the kind of person who likes to listen to other people’s conversations, sometimes circumstances force that to happen. They never stopped talking and simply forgot that I was there.

Last week, I heard more than I ever cared to about several ladies. And I found out that one of them is …unhappy…with the attention that her husband is paying her.

I found out that she has gone out of her way to make herself attractive to him, buying lots and lots of lingerie, and having her hair done  and nails and all sorts of other woman style tricks to make him notice her and want her. (Sadly, she doesn’t bother to realize that few of these will make her more attractive in HIS eyes, but only make her feel good about herself).

The other ladies were sympathetic and supportive. It is, of course, the fault of the man here.

No one pointed out that she has, in the past 5 years, gone from a shapely (if large) physique (rubenesque might be appropriate here), to a shape that more closely resembles a barrel with legs. She was never a slim woman as long as I have known her, but she at least had a shape. Hips, if large, and a waist. ….Now as I said,  she no longer looks like that….she resembles a barrel with arms and legs. Has a huge jelly roll, and is, frankly, fat. I never cared much one way or the other as she is a co-worker, not anyone I could or would be interested in, but I felt sad that no one, not one of her female friends, would point out to her that she was, frankly, fat…if not the edge of obese.  That to most men she wasn’t attractive. None of her co-workers suggested that she lose say…,..30 or 50 lbs. (I certainly wasn’t going to, that is for sure!)

Now I understand that in a perfect world this wouldn’t matter, but to most men, it does. Physical attractiveness is linked to health and fertility,  and that is just the way it is….. Ladies: Here is a hint….if you have no waist (or if your waist is thicker and bigger around than your hipbones), and if your belly sticks out farther than yer boobs, then you might want to think about a diet and/or exercise.

But the ladies all commiserated with her on how it was a shame that “He” wouldn’t look at her anymore.  How it was a shame that men just don’t look at women as they age. And all that other folderol that fails to admit the truth: For most men, fat (really fat) isn’t attractive. 

Just a thought:

In a just world, Rose Eveleth would be fired from her job and shunned by all for her whiny, bitchy tirade against Dr. Matt Taylor.

She shows why some people believe that women should be cloistered by their fathers until they are sent to an all women’s school until they meet their (arranged) husband. You women are all obviously too weak and sensitive to be able to deal with the real world…and are too easily disturbed by things to be allowed to run free in the modern world.

What, really has she ever done that is productive, constructive or worthwhile?