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So Serial Liar Dayna Morales has been fired from her job where she (allegedly) lied about the tip left to her by a couple in which thre was no money, but a denigration of her lifestyle. (which leads to the question: Hw did they know she was gay?…They might have suspected, bur really).

All I can say is: Good.

Question: anyone really understand the motivation for lying or (if actually true, which I doubt) making the whole incident public? Other than turning over a “victim” card, what did what really accomplish? Is she still stuck in her high school days where she was picked on because she was “different” and can’t accept the fact that in 2013, no one cares?

We interrupt your day

So you can remember what people heard on their radio this day, so long a go:

Remember those who gave their all this day in 1942 1941.

and all those who did so after in the defense of their country.

I’ll be damned

It would seem that, if there is enough publicity, that even a police officer can be fired if his behavior is bad enough, and enough people can see it.

Remember officer Elias Montoya? Yeah, he’s the guy that shot at a minivan full of kids after the mom driving it refused to submit to the orders of one of Montoya’s fellow officers.

SHOT AT A VAN FULL OF KIDS BECAUSE THE DRIVER WOULDN’T FOLLOW ORDERS. Not a reason to use deadly force.Had this been you or me, we’d have been in jail for misuse of deadly force…maybe attempted murder.

He got suspended while they waited to see if things would cool down…which they didn’t. 

But at least he got fired. It is a start. Accountability for Police officers is as (or more) important as accountability for regular citizens.

Blame someone else

It is obviously not the fault of the police that POLICE bullets from POLICE guns fired by the hands of the POLICEMEN after being removed from the holsters worn on the belts of their POLICE uniforms struck and injured 2 passersby

Nope it must be the fault of the person that the POLICE were shooting at (and whom they missed).

This sort of thing happens all the time to a lesser degree across the United States all the time, wherein police screw the pooch make mistakes and blame it on someone else. 


Y’know, my grandfather (who was prejudiced, and somewhat a bigot), always said that the welfare system and the fact that people told black people that they were victims and they didn’t have to strive that came about in the ’60’s would destroy the black race and culture in the United States.

The older and more experienced I get, the smarter he appears to be.

And here, we have the same observation. The same observation that it is culture, not race ,that holds people back. That the culture of victimhood does more to keep people at a level, rather than any other factor.

My grandfather wasn’t born rich, or successful. He didn’t die that way either. But all the time that I knew him he was comfortable. He owned a house, in a good neighborhood, and he didn’t lack for most things…Cars, equipment, etc. If he wanted something, or wanted to take a vaction or a trip for fun, he could do so, as long as it wasn’t too extravagant. He was, in my opinion, the embodiment of the American Dream….. But he instilled in my Father and in me the belief that if you weren’t lazy and didn’t make stupid decisions that you could succeed and thrive in the United States. If not get rich, you could live a good, comfortable existence and you could live well, but you had to work at it, and overcome obstacles and keep trying.

He was right when he told me that, and he is right today, 20+ years later.

People find their own level. If we tell them that they cannot succeed, a significant portion won’t even try….especially when we make their life comfortable enough that they have no incentive to do so.

HT: Irons in the Fire

Mandela Dead

And the liberals will go NUTS over gushing about his memory.

“He was beloved around the world”

He was a thug, and he was beloved only by liberals.

He may have been a brave man with a lot of guts to oppose the South African government, but worthy of such worship? No.

My wealth is in Brass and Lead….

and when you want it, I’ll give it to you…..

Seems that once again the IMF and other friends of Barry seem to think that a way to reset part of the socialist government’s debt is to “tax” all of the “wealth” held by the “wealthy” and “rich”. 

After the “haircut” that the average investor in Cyprus banks got a while back I really don’t see how these folks will be stopped should they try to take a significant “contribution” of you money wealth.

So if you were smart enough to choose wealthy parents…those who either inherited wealth or, you know, Stole it from the terribly deserving poor by stealing the sweat of their labors earned it or if you are a person who saved and paid off your house and incurred as little debt as possible during your life, you will be punished taxed on what you have.

Is it me, or do the socialists liberals not understand the parable of the Ant and the Grasshopper? Or do they just not care?


Seems that IBM (who no doubt had a profit motive in the mix somewhere, but still…) was willing to build the Obamacare website FOR FREE and was turned down.

Instead, Barry and Michelle enriched one of their friends to the tune of AT LEAST $600 million dollars.

Wonder what sort of “arrangement” they have when his term is done?

It is, after all, the “Chicago Way”.

I’ll drink to that!

Today is the anniversary of the END OF PROHIBITION….an interesting experiment in controlling peoples lives, and their reactions to that attempted control.

80 years ago, our ancestors were once again able to (legally) buy and consume alcohol. Not that any of them who had wished to do so the day before wouldn’t have been able to do so.

Prohibition didn’t do much to stop people from consuming (and abusing) booze, much like the current “war on Drugs” hasn’t done much to stop people from gaining access to illegal substances to impair the mental processes. Nor like the highly restrictive firearms laws in “Blue” cities that really don’t do much to keep firearms from the folks who want them.

What Prohibition DID do was make fortunes for those willing to supply a demand, legal or not. Joe Kennedy became rich bootlegging booze. Prior to the 18th amendment,  there was no real “Organized Crime”…there were folks such as Capone, but until there was a market for illegal booze (and the enormous profits from supplying it), he really was just a small time hood. Same in many larger cities. The biggest thug organized the smuggling (and distribution)of liquor, and gained money and power.

Think the banning of anything today will be any different? Maybe if we made drugs more illegaler or something then those folks would stop smuggling them over our borders.

Today, reflect on the fact that no one could stop the flow of a relatively bulky and heavy commodity, booze, from coming onto our shores, and being transported along our highways to customers willing to pay top dollar for a (sometimes) inferior product.

Now think guns or drugs.

Know a cop?

If you do, then you NEED to show this video to him or her.

With the increasingly harsh tactics that police are being trained for, and the ever increasing militarization of the police, added to the ever increasing attempts of the State to increase it’s power over it’s citizens, then the message contained in this 7+ minute video, and the questions asked in it are VERY important.

There may be those of you who think that there is a line that most policemen will not cross…..if so, you probably don’t interact with police men very much. They hold you, as a citizen, a non-policeman, in contempt. They feel that they are the order givers and YOU are the order takers. The feel that the perks which we allow them are somehow their right, and the Constitution is, at best, a hindrance or obstacle to their job. They are a part of a group that follows orders from their superiors, and they do so without thinking as to the why, or the lawfulness (or not) of those orders.

The erosion of rights, and the growing power of the police has happened slowly. Like “boiling a frog”, it happens slowly enough that the frog fails to notice until too late. The attitude of the police has slowly degenerated into something we, as citizens, no longer respect. We cannot look at them as guardians of the people, but rather as guardians and mindless minions of the state. Your safety and security comes after theirs and after they follow their orders. If it is convenient for them.

Cops just want to go home safe at night. Most are good people, bit they follow orders and the Constitution and the rules of law are not first and foremost in their minds. Keeping their job by following orders and earning a living while staying safe is. They really, deep down care little about those whom they have sworn to “serve and protect” (if they even have that as a motto anymore…many no longer do). They really see you, the law abiding citizen, and just above the lowlifes they deal with every day. To them, you fall into one of three categories….Cops, Citizens, and scumbags. When they interact with you, you are a scumbag until they determine you are a citizen. But if it is convenient for them, or if it makes an issue go away, or if they are bored, or if they just feel like it, they will treat you as a scumbag. The contempt that they hold for non-cops is terrible. 

Show this to the police officers you may know. Get them to decide for themselves where the line is. Now, before it is too late for them.

Hattip Bob Owens