You might need this someday soon

Say it to yourself  10 times, then at least once a week…..It’ll come in handy someday soon.

“I must not fear. Fear is the mind-killer. 
Fear is the little-death that brings total obliteration. 
I will face my fear.
 I will permit it to pass over me and through me.
 And when it has gone past I will turn the inner eye to see its path. 
Where the fear has gone there will be nothing.
Only I will remain.”
– Frank Herbert, 
“Litany Against Fear”
Trust me on this.

Looks like

Beretta is gonna bail out of Maryland.

 “All I can tell you is, Mr. Beretta said, ‘There always seems to be a problem with Maryland.’ ”

Wonder if we can get ’em to come to Indiana? We got plenty of skilled folks looking for jobs, we are fairly 2nd Amendment friendly…..


Oh that we could force the folks from Chicago and other liberals from Illinois who move to Indiana to read THIS.

Maybe make ’em read and sign a paper stating that they moved here to get away from the liberal shithole they helped create, so stop trying to change their new home to be like the one they escaped from.

So I am watching Good Morning America

And the coverage of the accident where the Fence at Daytona apparently didn’t completely protect the spectators.

The biggest question: Should they cancel the race out of respect for the fans that were injured?

This is the sort of attitude which is leading to the decline of the American Spirit and culture.

Even in liberal (and Democratically controlled) Lake County, Indiana

The gun control push has failed.

Seems that the commissioners chose freedom over control.

Lake commissioners stick to their gun shows 

Despite an ignorant, lying Sheriff, the county commissioners chose to stand for the citizens that elected them, and chose to reject his call for an end to gun shows.
This push is, of course, from the Chicago anti-gun liberals, and likely funded by the Bloomberg anti-gun PAC, Independence USA.

Kudos to the Lake County, Indiana commissioners.  Our Sheriff should be beaten Tossed booted Fired, if only because he lied, and because he doesn’t know the law and can’t be bothered to research it. Is it too much to ask that that he chief law enforcement officer in the county know the laws, and be truthful about his statements? 


What does “Freedom” mean to you?

It means many things to each individual.

Does it mean to be left alone, to have barriers to prosperity removed , to have a level playing field? To have the security to succeed? Or the freedom to fail? The ability to protect yourself, and to determine your own future and your own fortune? To have the ability to purchase (and possess) the tools you need to ensure your own physical security and to feed, house and clothe yourself? To be able to choose where you live, and whom you associate with, and make your own determination as to how you will provide for yourself and your family? To have the freedom to succeed and follow your dreams? To starve if that failure occurs?

Or does it mean something else?

To many, it means security. Security to go to work, to come home and eat dinner. Security to watch TMZ or to spend an hour watching “Survivor”. To live in a secure bubble, that security provided by the big daddy bear government. By someone else, someone who can make those hard decisions. Someone who you can give your loyalty to, in exchange for a slight loss of liberties in order that you will feel safe. To live in the zone that is defined for you, in your caste level and your place in society. In a place where rules are made to reflect the lowest common denominator? Where intrusive rules are in place to prevent what MIGHT happen, in order to protect the collective, albeit at a loss of freedom and action. 

I fear that kind of security, that faux freedom.

I prefer the other kind. The kind that allows me to succeed, or fail. The kind that enables me to win or lose according to my abilities and the abilities of my compatriots.  The kind where I have a level playing field to pit my wits and abilities against others, and let the chips fall where they may. Where I am responsible for my existence, not Big Brother or his elites. Where I have few rules which I must obey, only needing to not harm others or the society in which I live. Where the safety net is slack, and missing in some areas. Where i must provide only for myself, my family, and my friends and those who I choose to give to, not nameless, faceless people whose subsistence is taken from me by the barrel of a gun.

I prefer my version of “freedom” rather than the other.I prefer to hold to the idea of freedom to take an individual approach to my responsibility and security, rather than a collective approach to safety and security. I’d prefer to see the freedom to choose and act, rather than one which denies us that right.

The choice is simple: Serf or citizen? Sheep or sheepdog?  Rights of the individual, or the collective herding us into the appropriate pen for processing.

I know what I choose. Do you?

Freedom does not come without a price.

That price is eternal vigilance. The willingness to fight for that freedom. To stand up and say “It stops here”. To be the force which stops it.

Are you willing to pay the price?

One more time…Back to the top: Another fundraiser…for a great cause. Huge prize packages.

If you have a few bucks you really don’t have a pressing need for, or are feeling generous, or just want to help some folks who are a bit worse off than you who were injured while defending their (and, BTW, YOUR country), then consider entering this fundraiser.

Lots of great prizes donated. Holsters, shooters kits, and a trip to BOOMERSHOOT! more added daily.

Plus you get to help some really deserving folks.

Linoge has done excellent work in his fundraisers in the past. He puts in a lot of time and effort for no real gain except to help others, not to help himself.

Go HERE to find out the details.

100% of your donation goes to the Honored American Veterans Afield

$5.00 gets you an entry. One ticket per $5.00. Donate to win!

C’mon, take a few minutes. Spend a few bucks for a good cause.