
was the strategy loved and promulgated by his mentor…..

and it is working, innit? A 13% increase in less than 30 months.               

How much more damage can we let him do? How much until the rest of the politicians (like, perhaps the RNC backed automatons we call senators and congressmen) say STOP!?

Yet, strangely,

We shoot rabid dogs.
And we consider that a good thing to protect society. Never yet met a dog that was evil, some are just misunderstood or poorly socialized….

But this sleazeball we are gonna feed, clothe, and house, for the rest of his natural life.

Myself, I think we should hang him, in the town square, after reading the sentence and offering him any last words.

And televise it.

Then bury his body in an unmarked grave. 

But then again, I am so soft with criminals it is disgusting.

(alternatively, a firing squad with the same disposal of his remains.)

I figure Mitt is waiting

for the first presidential debate:

“Well, Barry, since you brought up my taxes, and feel that a fuller disclosure is needed….

Tell ya what, hoss, I’ll disclose the last 5 years of taxes. They’ll show that I made money, and used every tax rule that I could find to reduce the amount of taxes I paid. All according to the rules, you see. I made money, and paid taxes on it.  And I’m not ashamed to say that I did what I could to keep as much of MY money as I could.

But, Barry, I’ll disclose them and release all that information, when you, as a quid pro quo, release the hold you have on disclosure of your college application, transcripts and grades….. further, I think that in the interest of full disclosure, you let everyone examine your supposed Hawaiian birth certificate.

All in the interest of “full disclosure” and all that, ya know.  I’ll ask the questions that the press won’t, but that the American people are asking…

I mean, as you and your sycophants have said many times, the American people have a right to know and all that.

So, I’ll meet you tomorrow, at a place of your own choosing, and we can hand each other those documents, okay?….Where should we meet, and when, Barry?”

It’d be Barry’s worst nightmare.  You just know that Mitt is waiting for the chance…. doncha?

Tinfoil hat time….Or: things that make ya go “Hmmmmm?

Again, the Aurora shooting has given the conspiracy theorists a LOT to work with…

I too noticed some discrepancies, but to be honest I had put them down to bad reporting, mistakes made in the rush to get to press, or just plain stupidity on the part of people “reporting” the “news”.

And, actually, I mostly, sorta kinda mainly believe that that does explain the discrepancies…

And to be honest, I am too busy running my business to take the time to do the research that the others already (supposedly) have.

But things like this (HT Broken Patriot)

and THIS.  And THIS. And THIS

make me wonder. Sadly I don’t have the time needed to properly research the claims made in these articles. Anyone can publish stuff on the internet, it doesn’t have to be true…..

And the fact that the media basically dropped the story quickly makes me wonder. .

And that I (basically) distrust the government enough to believe that someone might well stage a false flag event like this just to change public opinion.

It’s not like these scenarios are impossible, no matter how little we’d like to think that they are.

Is my tinfoil hat on too tightly? Perhaps. (but I do have the shiny side out….)

What do you think about the information in the articles?

I really don’t know what to believe…The timing of the incident was perfect very convenient for the anti-gun folks re: the UN arms treaty….Strangely, these coincidences happen a lot…..nearly every time there is (yet again) a push for some restrictions on our Second Amendment rights there is a conveniently timed incident to induce horror and increase fear of firearms as a killing tool for mass murder….

I’d like to believe that things like this would never be done to further an agenda….But sadly, I can’t.

Sometimes I wonder if I am the whacko for thinking these things. But then, I am in good company.

At least his position is clear

“[Obama] does support renewing the assault weapons ban,” Carney said today, in the wake of the shooting at the Sikh Temple in Wisconsin yesterday. “There has been reluctance by Congress to pass that renewal.”

At least they admit their goal.

And, I think,for them, this is just a start.

If you plan to purchase any “large capacity” magazines in the future, then I’d suggest that you do so soon.

I already had a significant amount of them, so while I will never say that I have enough, I am not going to join the buying frenzy..

Same is true for ammunition.

If you were smart, you’d already have plenty of both.

If not, then you’ll pay a bit more.

I do need, however, more primers.

And as soon as they come in, I’ll buy a bunch.

Y’ know….

While I am horrified by the killing of innocents , and feel very sorry for the folks in Wisconsin at the Sikh temple…..

There is a part of me which cannot help but wonder if this incident was fomented by the Anti-Gun folks in some manner in order to foster a greater public fear of firearms in general, before they push for another Assault Weapons Ban.

Sadly, it is not outside the realm of imagination (or possibility) with the folks we have trying to shape public opinion today…..After all, the eggs in an omelette are sacrificed to a very good cause. Justified, unless you are the eggs.

Were these people treated in the same manner?

It seems so….coincidental (and fortuitous for them) that these things happen just when there is a big push for more legislation….and just before an election too.

The frightening thing for me is that I could even think those thoughts about other people.

My prayers are with the victims at this time.

Untitled Post

67 years ago, the US ended a terrible war.

Little Boy went to work.

Today there are people who claim this was a terrible act, an act of barbarism.

Perhaps it was.

But it began the process which ended the war, and with fewer casualties than might have been had the war been ended in the conventianal way.

To judge those decision made then, today, is foolish and shortsighted.


Let us recognize the day.

So, again:

What caliber for drones?

I’m thinking we should start a pool for the first guy to down one….say several categories:

Iron sights pistol
Scoped pistol

Iron sights rifle
Scoped rifle

large bore rifle…

Maybe we all contribute a buck and have cash prizes. might be we could get some gear manufacturers to contribute prizes too…..

Police state


Sow now we will have people who cannot seem to get fired anyway, who require little or no education (not even a GED), have little to zero accountability..’

Now they get to unionize? Apparently they think that they should be able collectively bargain for more money, or more benefits or something.

And this is a good thing for whom?

H/T Freeholder