Tole ya

Hope you did move your money out of the EURO….

Greece has done the deal, and now come the Defaults, and the big economic Tsunami.

Will this bring down the $15+ TRILLION house of cards/

Let us hope not.

But I’d hedge my bets if I were you.

How is today different?

Read this. It is long, and a history lesson….but I promise it is relevant.

Think about it.

How is todays economics any different than what happened then?

Think Greece and the bailouts. Think “Quantative Easing” I and II. Think what the EU wants to do to all those folks who currently hold Greek bonds. Think about what happens if Greece (and all the other PIIGS default, and what happens to the insurance market and to the bond market and to the worlds economies.  I, for the life of me, cannot see any difference, except that instead of a King, the decisions are made by a bunch of economists in a meeting in Brussels and Washington DC.

How are we not getting the “short end of the stick”?

BTW, if you have investments (retirement or otherwise) in Europe, or based on the EURO, I highly suggest that you divest yourself of them immediately. The crash will not be good for any of us, no matter where we have our money. But there will be people who are hurt, and people who are devastated. Those with Euro holdings will be in the latter category. 

(Disclaimer: I am not an investment advisor, nor do I play one on TV. Make your own decisions….)


I really don’t have much fear of spiders, but I think that this would kinda creep me out just a bit….

Yeah, I know they are harmless, and that they are eating all the mosquitoes and all that…


I might well have to move if this happened to my home.


So a few weeks ago, a young man came to my business and asked for an application. While state law says I have to give him an application, I told him he was wasting his time, as I had no positions available and, in fact, didn’t have enough work for the employees I already had.

He sighed and said “I’m finding that all over” ….”Even the places that are hiring don’t give me a second look….I’m fairly smart, hard working and I just want to work….I need a job”. He was looking fairly discouraged.

Now this kid was indeed fairly well spoken, somewhat handsome, tall, clear of eye. He seemed earnest. But he was dressed like a ghetto hood. Pants too big, belt pulled tight. Hoodie with a baseball cap. Unshaven, but not yet a beard. Some weird sneaker type shoes. Bling on a necklace around his neck. Not the image I would want my employees to give.

“Want some advice?” I asked.

“Sure” he replied. “I’ll take anything that will help”

I told him to follow me to the men’s room. Once there, I said “look in the mirror”.

He did so.

“If you were me, would you hire that guy?” I said. ” ’cause to me, and to my customers, he looks like a hood”.


“Wanna increase your chances for a job?” I asked.


“Then dress like you want a job. Dress for the position you are applying for. Don’t show up looking like a Gangsta lowlife wannabe. Trust me, It’ll help”.

Thoughtfully, he nodded, said ‘thank you” and left.

Truthfully, I had forgotten him until he returned yesterday.

I nearly didn’t recognize him.

Shaved. Hair long, but neat. Polo shirt. Black jeans. Casual but decent shoes.

“just wanted to say thanks” He said…

“For what?” I asked.

“For telling me the truth. No one else did.”

“Truth about what?”

“How to get a job…..It worked” He smiled.”people looked at me differently… I got a job.”

“Good for you”

“You were right. It did make a difference. So thanks.”

I was actually somewhat moved. He took the time to come in and say thank you for the advice. Had the class to say thank you, even though he had been insulted. Apparently, no one else bothered. And I felt good.

And thus I pay it forward….

Then I realized that I have become my parents.