Final rules

For the .22 postal match.

Get yer ass out to the range and try your luck.

If nothing else it’ll get you some fresh air.

Yes, Peter, I mean you.

If ya need help, I’ll take the pics of yer targets and email them.

So again, farmers are less important than city folk

And the lower down on the river, the less important you must be.

Rather than flood a few farm acres farther north, and rather than flood any major town or city, the Army Corps of engineers has decided that farmers downstream are less important than those upstream, and that the cities are more important than the farms.

While I understand that those folks in the cities do not want their homes destroyed, their property flooded, and their possessions waterlogged, that is part and parcel of living behind a levee and near a river. Why are the possessions of folks in a larger town or city more valuable than the possessions and homes of folks in a more rural setting? How do you put a price on someone’s home? Who pays for the damage? Who pays for the loss of cropland for a year or more, much less who determines the real damages when a farmer loses a years worth of crops?

If we are going to have those in government make these value decisions, then we should save the millions and millions of dollars which are spent each year in flood control measures, and let the water inundate everyone as nature intended…..Rather than make decisions based upon who lives where and their relative value. Alternatively, let us remove all of the levees (just think of the temporary jobs that that exercise would create!) and let the water spread out as it did in the past. That way, nearly everyone would flood, but not by tens of feet, but rather by a foot or two at most.

Is that farmer, or those people in the subdivisions about to be flooded by the actions of the Corps of Engineers  as protected by those actions as the folks in the cities they are trying to save? Are we not all equal in the eyes of the law?

Someone is getting screwed by the government, to the benefit of others apparently deemed more valuable.

And it ain’t right.

Especially if their damages are paid for by tax dollars.

SO, If I find

One of those government GPS units attached to my car, (because they say I don’t have any expectation of privacy on public thoroughfares), can I smash it with a hammer or burn it with a torch or run it through a blender or whatever (perhaps a 30 ton press? Feel free to use your inner child to come up with creative ways to destroy these kinds of electronic devices…But I digress) ? I mean, there would be no expectation of safety for the device once it leaves their possession and they attach it to the property of another person, right?

Unless, of course, I don’t decide to tape it to the back of a semi, or attach it to a cow several counties over or ship it via USPS to….Honduras? or maybe find a privately owned airplane at my local airport which needs special scrutiny…..Maybe attach it to a taxi cab? 

Just wondering what the legalities are. Can I be charged with willful destruction of government property? Is it their property if they attach it to my car? (actually, it is OUR property because taxes payed for it, but that is another discussion for another day)

Not that I am that hard to track most of the time, GPS or not. Unless I don’t want to be.

So the courts decide that the Constitution is toilet paper

Seems that that pesky fourth amendment is getting in the way of police. Notice that they don’t even have to knock if the officers feel that quick entry is desireable.

Once again, the slow erosion of our rights continues.

I would hate to be the officer (or officers) that enters my home uninvited, at any time of the day. I would hope that for their safety (and mine) that they choose to knock, and ask to enter.

I’ll be gone for a few days

At a franchisee conference…..”we’d like your input on the decisions we have already made….”

It’s a waste of time, but I gotta go anyway. I’ll spend the next two days surrounded by spoiled east coast socialists liberals. Haveta watch what I say, lest I piss someone off who can make my life miserable.

Try to stay out of the liquor cabinet while I’m gone.

Resistance is futile:

If they can’t bring YOU into the collective, then they will surely absorb your children.

While I am not a fan of homeschooling, I had thought that it was a legal choice….Even in Canada. I knew that this sort of thing had happened in the more socialist countries in Europe, but never expected to find such socialist liberal judges on Canada.

How long until this sort of thing happens here is the US?

Is “Public Education” really “Public Indoctrination”?

You might want to

put on your aluminum reflector hat (to prevent those nasty government mind control rays from removing THIS from your memories),

Or whatever those rays are supposed to do…

Anyway, go, read, think.

Just something to remember:

“A government big enough to give you everything you want, is strong enough to take everything you have.”

Thomas Jefferson

We now return you to your regularly scheduled space-time continuum

I wonder

If the Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun ownership Violence will chart Osama Bin Laden’s death as another example of senseless American Gun Violence….

They will, no doubt, score him as a “yooth”