Not what you expect from a chaotic dictatorship in decline

Via Say Uncle, there is this story, where the remains of the government is applauding the use of “illegal weapons” and civilian/neighborhood militias to keep law and order.

Contrast this with the US, and especially New Orleans/Louisiana National Guard and LEO post Katrina.

Yet we think that those folks in Egypt are uncivilized.

Seems that they are doing a decent job enforcing local law and order if left alone. But the left thinks that we, in the US, cant and won’t be able to do the same.

So the police….

were warning people to get off the roads during Snowmageddon. Now, I will agree that most people had neither the skill in driving nor the equipment to be out on the roads during the height of the storm (and I was out only by necessity, with a 4wd truck mind you, and went back to base as soon as possible, ), but to threaten people with fines for exercising their right to be stupid travel is IMO, not constitutional.

You should have seen the look on the sheriffs face when I told him that, and asked how he could follow orders when he know they were unconstitutional. I asked him if his oath was to uphold and defend the constitution?

He just grimaced and asked me to move along.


If you are needing a belt that is well made, and bulletproof….Or at least as tough as nails, take a look at The Holster Site . I ordered one of his belts and loved it so much that I ordered a second, this time in basketweave.

These things are very well made, stitched and glued to perfection. Lined with, I believe, a kevlar weave between the two layers of leather. They come with an awesome warranty and are built like a brick outhouse.

I was so impressed, that he and I are now discussing a custom holster for my 1911. It likely won’t be cheap, but I am willing to pay well for my gunleather as long as it is well built and functional, and I think that, based upon my experience with the belt(s) that it will be.

His leather is (mostly) sourced from the US, and each item is assembled in the US, by a US citizen no less.

(crossposted to

Sometimes I am ashamed of my fellow man

While the blizzard in Chicago (and the surrounding area) was bad, the denizens of Chicago must be (some of them at least) the weakest, most lily livered bunch of weaklings I have ever seen. I am fully aware how cold it was, and how windy it was that night. I WAS OUT IN IT, thank you very much. I didn’t have any choice either.

(perhaps the all pervasive welfare state and union influence is causing the weakest to not be culled from the herd….)

“I thought I was gonna die!”

Couldn’t walk a hundred feet to safety. Jesus H. Tapdancing CHrist. It was cold. It was windy. It was dangerous. But if you can’t walk a few hundred feet with your back to the wind (and yes, the wind was from the east, so the wind would have been at her back while walking towards the rest of the city (look at a map)) then either you are one weak sister or you failed to bother to dress for winter conditions (even mild winter conditions) in Chicago.

And any car with a half tank of gas should be able to idle for at least 8 hours to keep you warm. If people ran out of gas waiting for rescue then they weren’t prepared.

Shoulda let them get colder so they’d learn next time.

People were warned to stay off the Drive, but they went anyway. So the city tied up how many hundreds of man hours to deal with the idiots? 

Wonder what will happen if a really bad storm happens? Or if a real disaster occurs?


It’s Groundhog Day!

Not a chance that the little rodent is gonna see his shadow. Not a chance.

I hope they make groundhog sized snowblowers.

Having been dealing with the blizzard all night, I am not sure how much total snow we have here. But the drifts are shoulder high in some places. Likely 16″ of actual snow so far. Maybe a bit less, maybe a bit more.

Anyway, for most of you, this is no doubt old hat, but do you remember this?

I never get tired of it. Or this:


The media is ALL OVER the fact that we might (maybe) get as much as (OMG!!) 2 feet of snow. While this IS a significant amount in one drop, it is not a suprise, nor is it terribly unusual. It happens every 8-10 years on average.

You’d think that the apocalypse was coming.

I figure it’ll disrupt my normal routine for 24-48 hours. (if that). If the power lines go down, then I’ll start the gennie, other than that, it’ll be a non event.

And if yer prepared, that is how it should be.