Real “security theater”

Sadly, this isn’t a joke…..

This shows the poor logic used by the TSA. Poor thinking and circular arguments.  Whoever is in charge (and I mean those who report to the Political hack Napolitano) needs a swift kick in the ass. One wonders what the rest of the world thinks of us, that we allow such stupidity.

Via Anarchangel and nearly everyone else….

Like I have said several times:…..

yer being trained.

Each and every time they (Yeah, I know, the faceless “they”) make a new rule and we as a people decide that we will put up with it because to fight every little attempt to erode our freedoms is too tiring, we become a little more willing to be led, like sheep.

Nice to see that others notice as well.

Now if I could just do something effective to stop it.


If the TSA really believes that the scanners are no big deal, and the scan is not invasive and the pictures it takes are not in any way revealing, then they should show the images in real time at the entrance to the scanner iself.

I mean, rather than the words of our esteemed TSA director being taken for a liar and all….

Still no answer:

I mean, seriously: If the threat is real then why are we not doing the more invasive search at those airports where the scanners are not yet implemented?

For some reason, no one is asking this question. Why not?

If there is a real, valid threat, one worth spending $165 MILLION on, and worth having to deal with a very pissed off flying public, then why screen only at the major airports, and why only recently? Why not since the threat was recognized?  Why do we not have everyone at any airport where the scanners are not yet available be subject to the pat-down?

Otherwise, this is merely playing at security.

For the truly dedicated….

There is always this option to show your objection to the TSA’s procedures:

2) Another stickier approach is to don incontinence pants under your (old and baggy) trousers, and fill the plastic skivvies with your choice of chocolate or tapioca pudding immediately before entering the TSA security area. Indicate that you’d prefer a pat-down, rather than the milliwave machine. As you are groped, some of the pudding will ooze somewhere, at which point you should nonchalantly reach into your pants, scoop some with your finger, and taste it. Pronounce it “yummy” as the blueshirt retches….

You’ll have an uncomfortable flight, but what memories!

It would be even better should you wear a kilt or a short skirt, so they get a real feel……

Personally, when I get groped by a TSA “officer” I intend to give them the same attention. If he touches my junk (or my ass), I intend to give him (or her) a similar squeeze gentle fondling…..and, if there is enough to do so, a good heft. I’ll make it lingering too. With a smile and a wink. Women should heft, squeeze, and fondle the breast(s) of their TSA screener….and give your best come hither smile….Maybe even ask for a phone number…. Yeah, they will claim “Assault!” but really, what legal leg can they stand on? If their behavior is not assault, then neither is yours. If yours is assault, then so is theirs.. And that is a precedent they really don’t want to set.

I wonder what the cheapest round trip ticket is from Midway? I’d like to try this out.

The light is better over here….

The safest airport in the world.

I got news for you…..It ain’t in the US.

This is why.

What the TSA is;  is theater. Very expensive theater. Playing at security. By mall cop rejects and wannabes.At best a jobs program.

Yeah, they are professional (most of them). But the whole thing is a joke. We could get twice the security for half the money, and half the people.