One might think to invest in brick manufactories

and perhaps plate glass companies….

As a hypothetical exercise only, of course…..

’cause if everyone threw a brick through a window of the traitors who voted against the will of the people, then perhaps the message might become a bit clearer to those folks….

Are you willing to go to jail for this sort of civil disobedience? I am beginning to think that I might be. It could be that since passive protest did not seem to work, that property damage without personal violence might……(I would, of course, only break the portion of the window that my tax dollars paid for, the other part of the windows I will leave alone).

It is a better alternative to real violence, or true armed revolution. And it would, of course, be a lesson to those who we elect to represent us when we vote the incumbent traitors out on November.

I’m just sayin’.

Perhaps the time will come when each of us must make a decision as to whether the country is a capitalist country, or a socialist diktatorship.

We all know where the folks that voted for the Health Care debacle stand.

Where do you?

ETA: RobertaX thinks I am WRONG. I see it as an intermediate step to “voting from the rooftops”.

Blogmeet fun

If you missed it, you lost.
No better way to spend an afternoon than good people, good conversation, good food, and good drink.
I highly recommend that you try to attend the next one if you can….
Roberta (the semi-unofficial Indy blogmeet social secretary) has the details at her site. Worth watching for and planning to attend if you can.
Your loss if you cannot.

The dragon awakes

A lady who has worked for me for 12 years, never ever caring to discuss politics or to even comment on any legislative subject, today asked me how to get in touch with her senators and congressmen, as she is finally aware that inaction leads to being led to slaughter…..all over the health care debacle….

“WTH do they think they are doing here? I never thought they’d really pass this. How can they?”

Alas, too little and too late….But she has been awakened and is angry….and now she will do something rather than doing nothing. Look for her and her sisters at the Tax Day Tea Parties, and other protests….expect her and others like her to volunteer for any candidate opposing the incumbents (at least hose who voted “yes” in the house and senate)….and until now, these same folks would have not done anything.

But no more. They are awake, and they are angry.

Random thought:

It is a good thing for our sentors and congressmen that most (if not all) states have outlawed dueling.

Else their seconds would be busy the next few days.

I’m just sayin’.

That is all.

Health care…semi-random thoughts..

Let us hope that this new legilation is not the beginning of the end, but rather the end of the beginning.

While none of us are likely happy that this legislation has passed, the fact is that it is no surprise. Had it failed this time, they would have kept trying…

But this shall no doubt mark the day where many people decided to remove their representative or congressperson….via the ballot box, I hope.

We shall see how this runs out in the end.

Let us hope that this does not bog the legislative branch down in order that they can do something to help the economy  now that they have their bill.

Had a great time at the blogmeet

Spent the day in Indy….First buying ammo and a few other things at the Indy 1500 fleamarket gunshow, and then topping an already great day by going to the blogmeet.

Good food, good conversation, and good beer, all in good company.

maybe pics later.

How to win:

Soviet Premier Nikita Kruschev:

“We will take America without firing a shot…….We will BURY YOU! We can’t expect the American People to jump from Capitalism to Communism, but we can assist their elected leaders in giving them small doses of Socialism, until they awaken one day to find that they have Communism. We do not have to invade the United States, we will destroy you from within.”

-Soviet Premier Nikita Kruschev

(From an address to Western Ambassadors at the Polish embassy in Moscow on November 18, 1956.)

We capitalists play checkers….The socialists play chess.

It took 90 years for the socialists to realize their dream.  

But they got there…..and we, the US citizens, let them.

But god help those who are up for reelection. While my initial reaction is to think about rope, and trees, and such, or to vote from the rooftops, and express my displeasure at the leadership in a more….intimately personal way, I think that we should rather simply fire them by voting for anyone but the incumbent who have voted for this monstrosity, and helped bring about socialism in our capitalist country.

Not as satisfying, but nearly as effective.

“Window War” begins

They (those that vote for the Health care abomination legislation should TAKE HEED.

See The Window War.

They are lucky that there are only bricks flying and not lead and brass. Or cocktails of the Molotov variety.  (I do, BTW, have an alibi for this incident)

As for myself, I think that rope is a better inducer of fear.

And they SHOULD fear. They should fear returning home. Fear for their lives, the safety of their families, and the integrity of their homes and material goods.

I’m not willing to start that demonstration of my disgust (only because they aren’t worth going to prison over), but I would heartily endorse it should it happen.

But, as the man said: “A rrriot is an ugly thing……Und I think that it is time ve had one!”