After nearly three weeks of fucking around by Ram I finally got the 3 parts that Ram Engines owed me so we could finish the new engine install.
I had to threaten to stand in front of their booth at the Oshkosh Fly-in and tell everyone I could about my experience (and their organization’s incompetence) but they finally got off the dime and sent the parts. So I don’t have to do that. here is no excuse for their failure….But finally, I have the parts.
Should make noise with the engines either today or Monday, and then we have to do the adjustments to make ’em run well.
God willing I should be flying in a week.
So now Ram hates you. They magically found the parts? “Returned Defective – Can not reproduce problem” or some such? Hope I am wrong on that.
The parts were left out of the rebuilt engine install kit. 1 hose, one fuel line. When they sent the parts they were the wrong ones. then they got stubborn. And stupid. And slow.
Asinine, really. Everyone makes mistakes. Just fix it when it happens. But no.