Shooting wise, at least.
One of the guys I shoot with wanted to change things up from our normal…
Wind was 4 knots from directly behind.
Range was 50 yards..
Target was NRA small bore 50 foot targets
Caliber was .22 LR.
From the bench. I used a rest with a sandbag at the butt of the rifle. Others used lead sleds.
all 5 shot groups except the center one, which was 10. I’m kinda happy with my progress.
Progression was left to right, top to bottom with the center target last (yeah, I know that’s not the proper way to do it, but that was the way we shot it). It was a fun improvisation.
We hadda put the lines on the targets ’cause after 2 or three shots the four of us shooting had nothing decent to aim at, so we improvised. Aiming at a hole didn’t give a precise enough aiming point.
This was the second of 3 targets. The first had no lines, making aiming problematic, the third had a bit of a gusty crosswind, so the groups opened up a bit.
‘Twas a decent challenge for me and Vera2, the non-Ruger 10-22.
I was shooting Tac-22 black box
Looks like mighty fine shooting
Forgot to ask:
Glass or iron sights?
glass. Old (believe it or not) 4-12 x 50 Tasco. Prolly 25 or more years old.
I had it from an estate sale when I built the rifle from aftermarket parts (Hence the ‘Non-Ruger”) and put it on to see how well the rifle shot, and just never took it off ’cause it works so well.
Were you using a scope?
Shooting off a bench using sandbags is a test of your equipment, not testing your shooting skills.
A rest and a sandbag. The rifle is free floating at my shoulder. Lots of room to move.
A Lead Sled is a test of the equipment. The sandbag is just a rest for my hand and arm. Big difference.
If I ain’t still doing my job, those groups open up to about an inch..
Oh, and Beaner:
Feel free to post your off hand/kneeling/unsupported shots at 50 yards. Bet they are more than 1/2 inch.