He won’t be missed

Much like the departure of Wayne LaPierre from the NRA, the departure of Mitch Mcconnell is greeted with glee by many (if not most) conservatives.

A weasel of the first order, a failure at representing what he supposedly believed in, and a sellout of the American Republican voters time after time.

Now if only the Republican Party can find someone with a set of testicles larger than frozen peas to replace him we might have a chance here.

Sadly for him, he will only leave a legacy of failure and appeasement, not one of bold leadership or victory.

5 thoughts on “He won’t be missed

  1. His one saving grace and legacy in my opinion is his rather masterful work on judicial appointments. Other than that, I’d say your opinion is pretty much right on.

  2. HEEH, and you thought some common sense ran rampant through the repubs…..They are talking about installing JOHN CORNYN Rino-Texas in that spot!?!!?

  3. Mcconnell is going to stay where he’s at until after the November election so he can help his buddy Schumer run interference on the Mayorcas impeachment.
    …And whatever else he can do to help the Uniparty.

  4. “…if only the Republican Party can find someone with a set of testicles larger than frozen peas…”

    Republicans have testicles? When did that start?

    Anon 2

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