I am the extremist your Government warned you about…. Remember: "There Ain't No Such Thing As A Free Lunch"…..But you can help when you buy your AMAZON purchases through my links at no cost to you.! (As an Amazon Associate, I earn from qualifying purchases.)
Do not mess with Sikhs. Any of them I’ve met, male or female, have an old-school warrior mentality and do not take shit.
I predict the dirtbag is released with no charges, the two employees will be fired and face assault charges and some commie prick shyster will help the POS thief sue them.
When you defund the police, refuse to enforce the law and prosecute criminals, and let them run amok, the result is you get citizens having to take the law into their own hands.
Heh… love it!
Do not mess with Sikhs. Any of them I’ve met, male or female, have an old-school warrior mentality and do not take shit.
I predict the dirtbag is released with no charges, the two employees will be fired and face assault charges and some commie prick shyster will help the POS thief sue them.
When you defund the police, refuse to enforce the law and prosecute criminals, and let them run amok, the result is you get citizens having to take the law into their own hands.