I’m thinking they are still afraid….(thus the Battlespace Preparation now)…

Of Donald Trump running.

And they know that these latest attempts to make him a criminal are gonna fail.

Here’s why:

They are already preparing their next challenge…prepping the battlespace with the theory that under the 14th amendment Section 3, “automatically excludes from future office and position of power in the United States government—and also from any equivalent office and position of power in the sovereign states and their subdivisions—any person who has taken an oath to support and defend our Constitution and thereafter rebels against that sacred charter, either through overt insurrection”

Of course, he has to have actually rebelled against the sacred charter, and courted, insurrection…..and the previous attempts to tar him with that brush have been unsuccessful. There’s that whole pesky thing about “Innocent until proven guilty” that they are ignoring as well. But that is par for the course with these people.

They even have a patsy filing a legal challenge to keep him off the ballot.

I think they are getting desperate.

6 thoughts on “I’m thinking they are still afraid….(thus the Battlespace Preparation now)…

    • Wouldn’t that be a treat if that happened? Especially if he won. I can hear the screaming in the Media from here….

  1. fatboyslim christie was beating that horse over the weekend, saying trump should drop out for the good of the party. HE, christie, should drop out for the good of the party, and america. i just watched the hungarian prime minister interview w/ tucker, he says trump is the only one that can save humanity now. sadly i see no way that he gets in office to do so.

    • ps- afraid? well yeah. tucker/trump interview got 170 million hits, fox debate got 8 million, biden can’t get ten people to a rally. hard, but not impossible, to cheat that much.

  2. It doesn’t matter if Trump is o the ballot or not. The democrats will cheat and do whatever it takes to win. AI will play a big part in 2024.
    Republicans will continue to wring their hands in public and take their 10% in the backroom. Nothing will change until the American people take the government back.

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