So I overhear this lady with kids talking on her phone:

“Most trans people aren’t child predators, they are just nice people who are misgendered” She announce loudly enough that lots of people in the store heard her…


I just fucking couldn’t help it:

I leaned over and said “If you had a bag of a thousand M+M’s and just one of them was poisoned, would you let your kids eat them? Same with those Trans people….

The look on her face as I turned and walked away was kinda worth it…

5 thoughts on “So I overhear this lady with kids talking on her phone:

  1. I say the same thing to people about illegal aliens…

  2. “ban x if it’ll save just one child.” well? where’s the ban on trans?

  3. Perhaps SOME of them are not child predators. But virtually ALL of them have no problem with those that do prey on children. Gender Dysphoria is a mental illness….a SERIOUS one. A sane society would remove keep people suffering from mental illness away from the most helpless people in society.

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