And yet, they claim that the midwest drought is “Unprecedented”

And yet we find this:

Drought in Missouri’s Ozark region exposes lost sections of caves used in Civil War era as a hiding spot for spies – and Sunday meeting point for families


So all the Glowbal Warming Climate Change hoopla is lies….it isn’t “unprecedented” at all. The cave was dry enough to be used during (and before) the Civil War (1861 to 1865). Lots of gasoline vehicles in use then. Lots of airliners. Coal power plants. all that stuff.

Or just maybe the droughts are normal seasonal variations…..And the river levels rise and fall over the years.

But when they say “unpresented” they are lying.


5 thoughts on “And yet, they claim that the midwest drought is “Unprecedented”

  1. yeah, like 100 degrees is “unprecedented” here in va. my butt. when i was a kid working on the farm it was routinely 100 in july AND august. pouring concrete in july 2007 i was a heat casualty and had to be medivac’d, at 105 degrees. it had been that hot for several days. in 2010 we had a durecho the knocked out power for two weeks. it was over a hundred for seven of those days. and they dare to call it unprecedented? they just think we’re stupid and forgetful like them.

  2. 1980s there was a drought that caused the same problems on the Mississippi…

  3. I’ve seen this again and again; the MSM claiming some kind of “historic” “unprecedented” “climate change” event, and then following with “hasn’t happened since,…” which completely contradicts what was previously said.

    …I think the only thing unprecedented here is the number of quotation marks I had to use in that last sentence!

  4. La NiƱa it happens about every 11 years. Remember the 2011 drought, worst I can remember in near 60 spins around the sun.

  5. Water this low in the Mississippi is unusual (the river drains about half of the U. S.) but its not unprecedented. The Army Corps has done a lot of “straightening”, which helps, but there still are places (e.g. North of Memphis) where the river gets wide and shallow over a rock bottom. Barges don’t have wheels and need lots of “swing room” in the corners. So occasionally, the river and downstream grain export traffic get halted.

    Unfortunately, this time the railroads are already overstressed and dealing with labor issues, so there is no alternative transportation options available for the export market. Gunna be bad.

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