Smart Suzie

So one day at school, 2 boys bet Suzie $5 that she couldn’t climb up a ladder and back down in 10 seconds…

She knew she could, so she took the bet and climbed the ladder and back down in 8 seconds. She took her $5 and went home.

When she got home, she told her older sister . Her sister said “Suzie, they just wanted to look up your skirt and see your underwear”..


The next day, the boys bet her $5. she couldn’t climb the ladder and back down in 10 seconds. She took the bet, climbed the ladder and back down again, took their money and went home.

She again told her sister about the easy money she had made. The sister told her in exasperation “I told you they just wanted to look at your underwear!”.

“Hah!” said Suzie, “The joke’s on them! Today, I didn’t wear any underwear!”

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