If we had all these “record number of new cases” that spiked about 30 days ago (oddly time coincident (15 or so days after) the George Floyd looting riots protests then would one not expect to see a rise in DEATHS from covid-19 about 30 days after the “spike” in cases? We should be seeing that spike in deaths starting about a week ago……and I can’t seem to find it. Nor can I find, with the exception of Arizona (Phoenix) a coincident rise in hopsitalizations to correspond with the spike in cases.
Either we have already killed off the folks who were most likely to catch and die from Covid, the virus has weakened, or we are being lied to about the sudden spike in cases.
I know which one I would choose to believe. What say you?
"Either we have already killed off the folks who were most likely to catch and die from Covid, the virus has weakened, or we are being lied to about the sudden spike in cases."
…Most likely… all of the above…
In the former hump the death lagged the case number by an average of 7-10 days.
So if it takes 4-7 days to find out you have it and another
7 to 10 to to get really sick and die despite improved drug
regimes and we are seeing increases already in death rates.
We see the uptick is positive cases from testing.
We see the sicker going to the hospitals now nearing full.
We see the first ticks of increased death rates.
The really numbers lag reality.
So for now you get aways with saying its a hoax, fake,
and then it isn't.