Hospitals will be forced to give more free care.
Wanna bet that this will increase the number of hospitals closing in Chicago? It certainly isn’t gonna induce anyone to open another state-of-the-art hospitals…
And why should anyone pay for water now? Mayor Lightfoot claims that she will immediately stop water service shutoffs for non-payment.
So who is gonna pay for the water system? Upkeep and replacement and upgrades? in 20 years Chicago’s water system will be worse that Flint Michigan’s.
The only thing that Lightfoot had over her opponent was that she wasn’t part of the Chicago Machine…But she is a socialist who has no clue how to run a city.
Chicago had little choice….A socialist who will destroy the city or a Machine Politician who would loot it.
Expect Chicago to move more towards the Baltimore model in the next 4 years. the “Rich” will move to the surrounding areas and Chicago will end up with only the poor and the indigent….And business areas will soon move elsewhere too, as crime increases….Just like the current South Side issues.