So I did a post a while back regarding the neat contactor/relay setup at the range (which is now 40 years old and is having issues with wear).
I was contacted via email a day or so later by a person in my area (NW Indiana) who reads this blog, and who offered to help. He’s more current than I am (not that that is hard, I haven’t done any relay logic in decades) and despite some schedule issues, we were able to meet up on Friday and he looked over the setup. He helped me to understand what I was missing (I could not figure out what the 4th contactor did…He figured it out…it does NOTHING, (at least not anymore) and made the logic clearer for me….and offered to help me clean up the setup (once very clean, but modified at least once over the past 40 years). and find parts to make it possibly even more reliable. A pretty capable dude.
All volunteer. An hour and a half of his time…Not a member of the range. Just a reader of MoTR. Just ’cause he thought he could help and was somewhat close…
There are some awesome people on the internet, and some of ’em read this blog.
Thanks, again, Joe.
Kudos to him and also to you for volunteering at your range. I manage the trap range at our club on Thursdays. The former Thursday manager was getting a bit up in years and had to retire due to ill health. I kind of got guilted into taking over, but I've really come to enjoy it. We're open to the public on that day and it's nice to have nonmembers offer to help when they come up to shoot. Happens much more often than I expected. While they're not allowed into the trap houses to load them due to liability issues, a lot of them will break down the empty boxes and take them to the dumpster or they'll help wheel out the caller carts and help set them up or help close up everything at the end of the day. Gives me a little more faith in humanity. Or at least in our fraternity of shooters………
Least I could do, like I said, being a recovering electrician any chance I get to work on something beside a one way switch I'll take Besides I get to help a worthy cause keeping a shooting range running, in the current 2nd amendment climate, it warms my cold black heart to know I'm working against the gun grabbers. Winning.