
All the National Media attention on the “Furloughed” Federal Government workers is nice….all the stories about those poor folks who, after missing a paycheck for 4 days are starving, needing to hit Food Banks (where did the cash for those newly crated food banks come from???) and how terrible life is for those folks.

It might have been nice if the Media had paid attention to all those OTHER people, not employed by the Federal Government, who have been laid off simply because their jobs had been offshored, or simply eliminated because of trade practices enacted by previous administrations. They too have had hard times, had to hit food banks, had to find other, lower paying jobs simply to feed their families and provide a home, clothing and other necessities of life. They’ve ignored those folks…..why? Because it doesn’t meet the meme of the day?

And really, if 4 days into not having gotten a paycheck,  you need to find a food bank or soup kitchen to feed yourself and your family, then there is something wrong with your lifestyle and/or financial practices.

While I do have sympathy for folks who are affected by the shutdown, I also feel that they are experiencing the insecurity that pretty much every worker has outside of Government employ. But the rest of those folks don’t matter, ’cause they aren’t part f the Federal Government, live in Flyover Country, or simply cannot be used by the Media to further the DNC agenda.

The Media is playing the DNC’s song, but I am not dancing. I doubt if many others are either. 

3 thoughts on “Y’know…

  1. "And really, if 4 days into not having gotten a paycheck, you need to find a food bank or soup kitchen to feed yourself and your family, then there is something wrong with your lifestyle and/or financial practices."

    Careful there B. Getting awful close on telling others how they should live their lives.



  2. Nope, just judgement on how you spend your money.
    opinion only.

    I have friends who are not currently being paid. One plans for this ever time we get a new president. She makes sure she doesn't buy any luxuries until she has 6 months of expenses saved.

    If 4 days into a missed paycheck you need to visit a soup kitchen, then you need to look hard at your finances.

    If this ere 4 months, I'd me more sympathetic.

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