Especially on the Chicago TV stations. Were one looking at it from outside our culture and country, you’d think every one of the candidates is a Socialist…
‘Cause they all want all of the “Wealthy” (note that wealthy is undefined, but most of the candidates have a fair bit of wealth) to pay whatever they think (but won’t define) is a “Fair Share”…
Really? Cause if we do that, folks, you won’t like it.
Tax revenues will drop by about 45% if we all paid our “Fair Share” Most voters taxes aren’t even a rounding error in the actual tax tolls. The bottom 40% don’t even PAY taxes. It is the top 10% that pays the bills for the rest.
So, tell me, what, exactly, is the “Fair Share” of which you speak?? Should we all pay 20%? 30%? 50%? What, (and please, be specific) constitutes a “Fair Share” of income that we all should pay?
(Note I said “All”. Yep, if you want to do 50% taxes, then we all get to do 50% from the kid making minimum wage on up.
That’s “fair” in my definition.)
I’m all for it, but I’d like it defined beforehand.