Seems that the 5th Circuit Court of Appeals has (oddly enough in today’s liberal government) reinstated the Texas Voter ID law…
This was one fought by Eric Holder in an attempt to defraud eligible voters “make it easier for minorities to vote”. The Justice Dept (and Eric Holder and his boss, Barry O) lost this one…For now at least.
Oddly enough, you need an ID to get beer, cash a check, get a job….Open a bank account (unless you are an illegal alien)..get welfare, etc. But it is an undue burden to have to get one….at least to get one when you have to use it to vote…
Here in Indiana we have had this law for years. Last time I voted, the folks at the polling place said “Hi, B, nice to see you…lemme see your ID”… (they follow the law!).
Much less fraud here in Indiana…maybe not zero, but a LOT less. And minorities somehow were able to produce an ID when they wanted to vote for Barry……