Wednesday Words of Wisdom 17


“Time is your only valuable resource, there are no refunds or credits for the time you waste”

“That which you allow is what will continue”

“The world keeps on ticking, it waits for no one. If you are wasting time you are wasting your life.”

“Don’t ever let the same people disappoint you twice”

“Occasionally, when saying nothing has had no effect, you have to speak up rather than remain silent”

“If possible, stay out of fights. But if you have to fight, fight as if you were the third monkey in front of Noah’s ark. Fight as if your life depends on it, as if your loved ones fate depends on the outcome. All or nothing.”

“Keep your feet on the ground, Make good choices. No one will care how you bleed”

”Forget those things that hurt you…..Never forget what those hurts taught you”

“No one will wait for you forever”

“Don’t hide from your mistakes, embrace them, acknowledge them….. learn from them. Then go forward.”

“One aspect of true love, and true friendship, is respecting each other’s dignity”


One thought on “Wednesday Words of Wisdom 17

  1. “Don’t hide from your mistakes, embrace them, acknowledge them….. learn from them. Then go forward.” That’s called responsibility!

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