On the funeral of Jimmah Carter.
But I simply cannot,
Best not to say bad things of the departed.
As a man, he was, apparently a decent one.
As a President, not so much.
He did more good after he was in office than as President, I think.
I knew a man who was a Secret Service Agent during Carter’s time. He told the story of Carter’s first day in office, at the White House,, being given his briefing…..
“And so, if at any time there is a threat deemed sufficient to need to move you to a place of safety, Mr. President, we have assets in place that can pick you up and move you and your family to a more secure location in less than 5 minutes notice”
Carter: “Really? Let’s see. Have them pick me up RIGHT NOW”.
Apparently there were a bunch of embarrassed folks when they were unable to do so .