No, you aren’t



So I saw a dude (and yes, it had the adam’s apple, so a dude) wearing a skirt with leggings (and really nice heels) and a shirt that said “Everyone is entitled to their own view of reality” I couldn’t help but tell him: “No, reality is what it is, denying it makes you a fool and an idiot.” He got mad and pouted. No matter, he’s still a man, in a skirt. Not a chick. “Don’t call me Stupid!” say he. “Then don’t act stupid or say stupid shit, says I”…He flounced off in a huff. I laughed out loud at his back.


Reality is what it is. If your viewpoint, your version of reality,  is different than everyone else’s, you need to look at what you think…..Ferinstance: if you think that saying that the world is flat is correct in the face of evidence otherwise, then you are wrong. Period. Full stop. Believing the world is flat is, frankly, stupid and delusional. Getting angry because your “viewpoint” is rejected, and lashing out is childish and spiteful and just plain foolish. We, as a society, are just as foolish by allowing people like the dude above to think their (obviously invalid and foolish ) view is valid and acceptable and putting up with their stupidity just gets us more stupidity. White is white, and black is black, saying that they are another color is lying…to yourself.

Just because a woman wants to think “Big is Beautiful” doesn’t mean that fat girls are as pretty or attractive as women who take care of themselves. Shy’s lying to herself or to her fat friend.  Trans people (I.E. Men that pretend to be women or women who pretend to be men) are not the opposite sex just because they put on a skirt or pants. To believe otherwise is stupid. Trans men can’t have babies or nurse, and trans women are not strong men, even with supplements of Testosterone. Saying otherwise is stupid.

Believing that wearing a mask is gonna protect you from covid is acceptable, if foolish. Forcing others to wear a mask because you believe it is helpful is not. Thinking you are a woman because you (a man) put on a skirt harms no-one. Demanding that you be allowed into women’s spaces such as bathrooms or locker rooms is unacceptable. Believing other than the facts is….stupid. Don’t be offended when people call you stupid or foolish for stating such bullshit or for acting the fool.

Sodium Lauryl sulfate in your shampoo is not somehow bad for you…Vaccines don’t cause autism. Believing otherwise with out evidence is a religion, not reality…Much like the Flat Earthers. And it is stupid. Deal with that.

People who deny reality because it makes them uncomfortable or they just don’t like what is….are fools. There are many fools that think that they can spend more money than they bring in each month, and then are surprised when they go broke…Old ladies who simply try to ignore what they don’t like are just as bad (and older women do this a lot, simply because they don’t like things the way they are, so they ignore reality), as are old men who think they are just as attractive to 20 year old women as younger, more virile men and have a chance…… Fools, all of them. Often stubbornly foolish in denying reality…Sticking to that belief in the face of evidence that shows otherwise is stupid. Otherwise intelligent people are often stupid. Of course, telling or showing them that they are stupid (and being stubborn about it) often angers them even more, making them even more stubborn….and more stupid.

I can believe I can fly all I want, right up ’til I step off that cliff. Being upset when reality (and the ground) smacks me in the face is stupid….Stepping off the cliff is stupid. Don’t like the truth? Reality and the world just don’t care. Being upset that you can’t fly is also stupid.

Man or woman (and those are the only choices), to deny reality is stupid and it really is stupid to think otherwise. Reality is what it is.  Deal with it. Stop being foolish.

We, as a society, need to stop pandering to people, be they straight or trans or gay, men or women, old or young, that feel that their alternate view of reality is just as valid.

6 thoughts on “No, you aren’t

  1. Butt………………… (heh)
    Fat bottomed girls make the rocking world go ’round

    Which BTW- Queen took off their latest release to some woke streaming channel.

  2. “old men who think they are just as attractive to 20 year old women as younger, more virile men and have a chance”

    Depends on the 20 year old woman and how fat the old man’s wallet is.

  3. Vaccines are good. Genetic modification not good. Reality.

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