That the Anti-Vaxxers use (nearly( as much intelligent thought as the Flat-Earthers?
Jesus, some of the people you’d think would be smart enough to us the tools they have, like deductive logic and simple cause/effect and such to look for the truth about vaccines and side effects.
But no, they repeat what other anti-vaxxers say, without ever examining the facts. With out ever looking a the claims with logic rather than emotion. Whatever fits their Confirmation Bias…and they repeat it for others to listen to.
Like Flat-Earthers, they refuse to see what is in front of them, and just believe what they are being told. .
You’d think they’d be smarter, and actually qualify their sources for information.
(Image stolen from MC …I have no idea where she stole it from)
What’s the definition of “Anit vaxxer”?
I define it as people who dislike childhood vaccination because they mistakenly link vaccines with childhood issues like Autism and other health issues….they link these to vaccines without any scientific evidence. Further, they repeat the myths over and over, never bothering to check the veracity of the source or validating the statements or the underlying “data” . They perpetuate outright lies. It is a belief without merit, without evidence. Much like a religion.
They repeat data that was debunked decades ago, they point to ingredients that haven’t been used in decades. They point to studies with flawed methodology or that were done for legal reasons. Outright lies are repeated over and over. This has gotten worse with Social Media helping to perpetuate they myths and lies.
The current complaint is that vaccines contain MICROgrams of aluminum. Think about how tiny an amount that is (One MILLIONTH of a gram….(1 x 10 -6)..).You get more by eating a bowl of soup that has been cooked in an aluminum pot. More than that feeding some baby formula for a week. But somehow, if it is in a vaccine dose, it is bad. No one can explain how it is bad, but they all repeat it as if it were something to be worried about.
Does that explain well enough for you?
Debunked by…?
Yeah, the people who profit from the “debunking”.
Evidence is there, different people will interpret it as they wish.
If you don’t like their interpretation, well, too bad.
After the anthrax vaxx BS in 90-91 and the problems it caused I will never take another one of their “vaccines”.
Debunked by the autism folks themselves, perhaps?
And from the Autism people themselves:
What, exactly, are you talking about re: the anthrax vaccination in 90-91?
Gulf War. Anthrax vaxx, fucked me and 1,000s of others.
Autism folks. 😄
Fair enough.
# 1 the Chuna wuhan vax is 100% not a vax
# 2 I never thought there was a credible connection to vax/autism
# 3 Real vaxxes like the smallpox vax are one of the greatest successes in medicine ever
# 4 I am going to absolutely question why a newborn needs a Hep B shot………………………………..
# 5 Knowing what we all know now about the media/government/pharmacological industrial complex., why shouldn’t we all be questioning this.
Am I an anti vaxxer?
Not as I define it.
SL: So you discredit anyone who disagrees with you by claiming they are bought?
Please feel free to show some data that refutes what they say.
Perhaps you can teach me something if you show some actual data.
Not getting into a research comparison in a comment section. Info is out there, consume as you will. Do not dictate how I should or what I need to accept.
Ex: Global Cooling > Global Warming > AGW > Climate Change. All BS all based on “facts”. All just guzzling $$$$. 100% grift.
Fauci. Screwed up AIDS response. Promoted. Torture dog, kill millions in #plandemic. “Expert”.
Take nothing at face value, qccept no one persons opinion of whatever facts they are opining about.
Yes, everything is and has been bought for 50+ years, all agenda driven. I neither agree or disagree about something until I have what I consider enough information if the subject isn’t black and white.
Common sense, research filtering and observation. Don’t need to be a scientist to understand this world.
So anything that doesn’t fit your beliefs is a lie?
How self serving of you.
When an entity LIES, it brings doubt to EVERYTHING ELSE it’s said beforehand…
can you be a bit more specific as to what you are referring to?