
The more I look into Pam Bondi, the less I like her.

She is a political creature, a windsock, if you will. I’m pretty sure she ahs no loyalty to anything but power. Certainly not for anything that is morally right, nor has she ever chosen to say “NO!, I won’t do that” because it was the right thing to do….

She apparently has no standards, no moral compass, no principles….she just does what she is told by whoever is in power at the time. (Look at her role in George Zimmerman’s trial)…or many of the other politically charged incidents she was a part of.

She is likely to turn against Trump the first time the Republican Power Brokers tell her to.

Whoever Donnie is getting his advice from needs a swift kick in the ass….or a traitor’s noose.


3 thoughts on “y’know…

  1. Trump is making some of the mistakes he made first time around.

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