Sadly, these incidents are growing ever more common

So, yet again, the police resort to violence for no good reason….except that they can.

Far too many of our police officers are way too violent, too quick to anger and have issues with people who refuse to obey them slavishly. Many appear to have anger issues, likely caused by Steroids or other compounds like that….

Too many are poorly trained, and are given authority way beyond what they should have.

In the case above, one could easily make a case for attempted murder. .All because a man refused to sign a citation…which isn’t required.  Watch the video in the article…Assault, with intent to inflict bodily harm at a minimum. If that were you or me, the charges would already be filed, we’d have been arrested and jailed….This cop  should do time for this.

Way too many larger cities, and even small towns are hiring people psychologically unsuited to be police officers. They have the wrong mentality, the wrong idea of how police are supposed to be….and their training reinforces that. Their CULTURE reinforces that. Too many are bullies, not even suitable to be bouncers in a bar, much less keep order on our streets.  These incidents happen all the time. And generally it is larger cops against smaller men, or women, or teenagers.

The problem is that too many good cops (and yes, there are good cops) let the bad ones slide, refuse to cull their own ranks, because “Blue Wall”…..and the departments refuse to reign them in until things like this happen. Every cop, every supervisor knows which cop on their shift is a problem, but they don’t do anything until it is too late…if at all. They just back each other up.


6 thoughts on “Sadly, these incidents are growing ever more common

  1. Attempted murder requires intent.
    Would absolutely, never, ever, ever prove that here.
    I have no idea why this cop went off as fast and hard as he did.

    99% of these incidents can be avoided if the person just complies with the cop.
    The time and place to adjudicate the situation is later, not now.

    • Slamming someone to the ground like that, hard enough to fracture his skull isn’t attempted murder?

      Pretty obvious that old man wasn’t resisting, so there can be no other reason BUT attempted murder.

      Most rape injuries can be avoided if you “Just Comply” too. Is that the advice yer gonna give your wife or daughter?

      • “Most rape injuries can be avoided if you “Just Comply” too. Is that the advice yer gonna give your wife or daughter?”

        Non sequitur
        That’s just stupid to say that and compare that.

        • No, it isn’t.
          It demonstrates the absurdity of your statement.

          Sorry, dude, the cop had no reason to do what he did, and the only thing the old man did was disobey a simple thing, a request to sign a ticket, which isn’t a requirement.

          But for you to say that we “should always comply with the cop” is akin to “you should always comply with the rapist” …Both are absurd at their their face. Cops are wrong often, abuse their power often, and make mistakes also.

          Cops need to know their limits too.

  2. Your last paragraph nullifies anything said about “good cops”. Tolerance is acceptance. ACAB until the beasts are culled.

  3. There are no good cops. There are the bad cops who act this way and there are the bad cope who turn a blind eye to this conduct..

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